Leonardo Gomes
Finding YOUR Purpose
Finding YOUR Purpose
To succeed as a company of one (your teaching business), you have to have a real underlying purpose. Your why matters as an unseen but ever-present element that drives your business.
So much so that Richard Branson once said, "Success is no longer just about making money or moving up the corporate ladder. More and more, one of the biggest indicators of success is purpose."
In this short workshop, we will try to uncover the purpose of your teaching business - because your purpose is the lens through which you filter all your business decisions, form the tiny to the monumental.
Join us this Wednesday, February 28th at 1:00 pm EST.
Since this is a TAP-only session, you can try our 7-day trial here - https://www.learnyourenglish.net/tap-free-trial
Helping new teacher entrepreneurs get their business off the ground and create their first product. Build together and leave low paying jobs behind.
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