What was the most unique facilitation you have done?
Mine would have to creep back to the late 80's. There were a ton of child abuse cases that I was made aware of as a paralegal and a volunteer CASA advocate. It was just about the same time that the Child Abuse Hotline Number was coming about, but not well known.
Putting all the pieces together, I went to the Girl Scout Council in my area with the approach that we need to train the Girl Scout Leaders how to recognize it and how to help these Girl Scouts to be safe at school and home, as well as how to report it if the Girl Scout did an outcry to the leaders.
It was a jammed packed day and I also included art activities and an exercise class to help balance out the emotions. I got a huge amount of hugs that day because it had also been weighing heavily on their minds, but they didn't know where to ask.
That year, we also made it a safe space for the leaders to consult with the Girl Scout Council.
What was your most unique facilitation so far?
Kathryn Davis
What was the most unique facilitation you have done?
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