Leah Zipperstein
Oh, hi :)
Oh, hi :)
It's hard to describe when you encounter something that speaks to you. Like, really speaks to you...
It's liberating.
It's energizing.
It's all-consuming.
But that's a peek into how I felt when I discovered the world of facilitation.
As a former journalist, turned nonprofit executive director, turned freelance marketer/consultant, I've been wandering the career forest looking for a more permanent home. Every position I've held has taught me skills that I've been able to use and build upon, but it wasn't until I found out about facilitation that everything clicked into place. And now, I can confidently point to the magical land of "workshopping" and say that I've found my professional home.
So far, I'm early on this journey. But I'm loving every step. I ran a career workshop for a friend a couple of months ago. Now, I'm prepping for a more formal multi-workshop for a video production company that I'll co-lead with my business partner.
I am eager to tap into this community and learn from the best. Heeyah!
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