Input for Workshop: Why is X team Valuable?
Hi All, new here and looking for some input. (please delete if not allowed) I am running a two-day in person workshop in two weeks with a small group (5 people) and looking for some ideas for activities. I already have a rough agenda, but I am not very happy with it. My outline has each section running half a day (4hours). Any and all input is appreciated!
Workshop: Why is X team Valuable?
Goals: 1. Provide a list of what value X offers
2. Strategize how X can become more valuable in the future
Outline: A. Communicating Value Effectively- Articulating the Value of X: We aim to develop robust value statements and, if possible, ROI calculations that underline the return on investment X services offer.
B. Growing Service Offerings - Alignment with Organizational Growth: It's crucial we illustrate how X supports and delivers on the organization's overarching growth strategies.
C. Reducing Overhead Costs - Strategic and Tactical Planning: We will identify and plan next steps in key areas, including reducing overhead costs, accelerating efficiency, and introducing new service offerings.
D. Wrapping up: What is our value reviewing our top 3-5 in each category
The prework they were given included:
-gather detailed data on key performance metrics relevant to your areas of responsibility.
- 3-5 ideas for reducing costs 5% for your relative area.
- Statement about what value your team specifically provides within X team.
-Statement about what value X as a whole provides.
Chelsea Saada
Input for Workshop: Why is X team Valuable?
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