Chat GPT as your marketing assistant!
One of the challenges of working as a freelance facilitator is finding our target clients. This is probably one of the TOP 5 QUESTIONS asked in Skool and on WorkShopper Master coaching calls.
Recently, I spent some research time to learn how Chap GPT might help. I thought I would share my findings here with you. The following is a post I made to the WorkShopper Master Skool environment. First an overview of what I learned:
  1. Chat GPT has a good memory. It remembers your previous questions, which allows you to add onto them and get more specific without repeating the question.
  2. Now you are a X. You can tell Chat GPT to write from a different perspective (i.e. pretend you are a doctor, small business owner, overworked middle manager, etc.). This helps get more specific answers.
  3. Not your Father's search engine. You can include your "requirements" for a prompt question in multiple sentences. They don't even need to be in logical order.
  4. Ask follow-up questions. You don't have to repeat an earlier question. You can just use it to ask follow-up questions. I asked it to create a persona for a person that sells jewelry online on Etsy and then later referred back to Sarah for follow-up questions (Sarah was the name Chat GPT assigned to the persona).
  5. Redirect the response. I had to explain that Sarah almost never sees her clients face to face and then asked for more ways she can improve customer service.
  6. Treat Chat GPT like an assistant. Don't be afraid to tell it to try again. But if you do, explain what wasn't useful and what you are looking for to make the results better.
Second, I attached the prompt questions and results here for you to check out. I think this could be useful to help us as we think about our target clients. At least for brainstorming ideas. I was impressed.
Jeff Panning
Chat GPT as your marketing assistant!
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