3 Things I learned from Running my First Workshop!
During our virtual meet-up last week, we were reflecting on and sharing our learnings from running our first workshops. The conversations were fascinating and each person shared something completely different.
My first workshop experience was amazingly terrifyingly wonderful! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was asked to run a workshop for 60 people at a retreat that we as a company had organised in Italy. My biggest fear was public speaking. I had always believed that I could NEVER stand up in front of a crowd of adults and speak, yet there I was...
Beforehand I was super nervous, pacing around the place and looking over my agenda a number of times. But then the weirdest thing happened. The minute I started talking to my audience, this sense of calm came over me. I started to feel comfortable, excited and I was getting energy from the crowd. Maybe this is for me, I thought to myself.
Of course I made MANY mistakes but I didn't care. The audience understood I was new to this and they made me feel soooooooo comfortable and supported (shout-out to my amazing audience at the Workshopper Master Retreat, I love you all ๐Ÿ’›).
Looking back on it, I loved it. It was so much fun and most importantly, my participants had fun!
Check out the video I recorded reflecting on my 3 key learnings from running this workshop which I've added to this post.
I would LOVE to hear your stories/experiences and key learnings from running your first workshop in the comments. Feel free to record a quick video if you'd like ๐Ÿ˜Š
Rebecca Courtney
3 Things I learned from Running my First Workshop!
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