🎧 Podcast Chat: πŸ’ͺ The Power of Belief: How to build your business confidence & naturally attract more clients
Podcast chats are where we dive deeper into the topics covered in the Art of Value Whispering Podcast.
➑️ This is the place to share your experiences, your biggest insights and take-aways from the show, and ask questions.
When it comes to marketing, many people are aware they need to build 'Know, Like and Trust' with their prospects πŸ‘
... but this misses out the most important aspect πŸ™„ - belief!
Before someone buys from you, yes they need to 'Know, Like and Trust' you. πŸ‘‰ But they also need to believe that you and your offer are the perfect fit for them.
Overlook this πŸ™ˆ and you'll work too hard on your marketing for too little traction.‍
But here's the thing ➑ that belief needs to start with YOU!
So in this episode, I share a ✨ simple three-part exercise you can do today to help you build your belief.
πŸ˜ƒ You can then transfer this through your conversations and marketing so you add more value - more easily and naturally - and welcome more of your dream clients into your business.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts - what resonated with you most?
Let me know in the comments below πŸ‘‡
Melitta Campbell
🎧 Podcast Chat: πŸ’ͺ The Power of Belief: How to build your business confidence & naturally attract more clients
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