How I'm feeling about the DC Summit today
I don't usually like to brag - but as the wise Rich Litvin says: "It's not bragging if it's true".
With that in mind, I wanted to share just how proud I am feeling about the Dream Clients Summit experience I'm creating, with the help of 20+ amazing speakers, who I also consider great friends and colleagues.
When I started interviewing the speakers, I thought it would be like my podcast, but with a bit more structure.However, thanks to this structure, based on my Dream Clients Blueprint, and the generosity of the speakers in sharing the best of their knowledge and highly actionable advice, it's shaping up to be so much more than this!
Every session is like a masterclass (see reasons above).
And all the speakers are completely aligned around the message that you mustn't just build a business and work with clients - but instead focus on building YOUR business and working with your DREAM clients.
It's only then that we show up as our best selves and have an impact (and income) we feel proud of.
As a result, all the sessions dovetail together to create a beautiful and powerful experience for coaches, consultants and anyone with a small business.
I genuinely couldn't be more excited about bringing this experience into the world, and I do hope you will join us (link for a free ticket is in the comments).
While all the sessions are free to follow for 24-hours, but I also hope that you upgrade to a VIP Pass. Not to line my pockets (it's just £47 anyway), but because I know that you are going to take so much value away from each session, that there are many that you will want to revisit at least once as you apply your new knowledge and grow.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Summit - we start 22 May!
Melitta Campbell
How I'm feeling about the DC Summit today
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