Why Skool Works & How You Can Apply What They've Built - Into Your Own Business
While you use the Skool platform and community - you may do so without realizing the features that they've built in - are what can propel your own business or passion to the next level.
I'd like to go through 2 things that Skool does exceptionally well, and why you should immediately take action with said thoughts... And realize as well that these ideas connect and relate to one another closely...
  1. Gamification & Exceptional Product.
You don't want customers. You don't want leads. You don't want community members...
You want and NEED - lifetime raving fans that love everything you create. Because developing customers who love your brand at this level, is what can truly scale a business or audience into perpetual growth.
As an example, think about why has Tesla became what it is today? (Yes, Elon has drastically excelled its growth) But another important reason, lies behind the engagement, love, and free publicity generated by customers. As has famously done a video on the concept of the "flywheel" in business - that's the concept that Tesla has created through the ideas I'm highlighting.
Customers of Tesla literally generate more customers of Tesla. Sure thing - other car companies have proud customers who proclaim their Ford, Chevy, or Jeep is the best - but not at the scale and passion that Tesla owners have. Tesla builds the "fastest, smartest, most eco friendly, and brand strong vehicles in the world" - is what is commonly proclaimed. And in many ways, could be argued to be true.
For more on gamification & product.. Just think about this as well... Tesla does not really make vehicles. Tesla makes driving experiences. There's a big difference. And this additionally alters perception of a brand or business. (They literally have gamified the vehicle in multiple ways. This also rewards customers use of product - and grows love for the product and thus for the company behind it)
Excellent product and gamification - drives customer experience - drives longevity and retention - drives publicity and brand - all drives growth.
Scale your business through incredible product, gamification, unsurpassed customer experience, and community building. Skool does this with the integrated engagement leaderboard, affiliate marketing features, the entire community system, how much the team engages with us all, and much more.
  1. Focus Without Distractions / Unique Personality And Brand
Take a look at what Sam, his team, and the world's greatest leaders perpetuate at scale...
Think about why this community is so active and engaged. Why do Neil Patel and Matt Diggity have no ads on their blogs? (And are globally recognized as the top SEO peeps in the world) Why does Grant Cardone constantly push the same messaging of expansion and dominate with every piece of content published?
Within their businesses, within the products they create, and within almost every aspect of public knowledge - they consistently push the same consistent messaging into the marketplace. It focuses not just their own efforts, but also their audiences attention in the way they desire.
Each successful brand - company - and though leader : has an incredible focus on what they want and how to achieve it. You may think that Grant Cardone is a wack job, but he's one of the most consistent and successful wack jobs to ever exist. What does he promote? Expansion, build, scale, attack, impact, influence... What does he do? Exactly those things.
With what you focus intently on & take action towards - you create and generate in your marketplace.
The messaging you produce in your business consistently, does the same and also attracts similar kinds of customers and audiences. You don't see ads inside of Skool, you don't see the team ever faltering in their activity, you don't see random glitches breaking the system... Why? The brand of Consulting and Skool focuses on amazing product that generates the results it promises - without distraction. And it always delivers on those promises. Because of that focus on delivery, they do exceptionally well.
Focus on what you want your brand to represent. Focus on the actions you take on a regular basis. Focus on the messaging you're putting into the marketplace. Many businesses fail to properly scale because they don't focus on almost any aspect of their business. They have generally okay customer support, they occasionally follow up, and they do fairly okay by their clients. Focus helps you excel. Do, and become better. Focus on each aspect of your busines or passion that can be optimized for success. Run through what needs to be done, and then focus on what the brand represents and how to expand.
Final Thoughts:
The purpose of writing this, is so that everyone in community realize that the foundations that make the tool you are using be so successful - can & should be used within your own inner communities, businesses, and passions. The Skool platform is one that I personally appreciate and enjoy, and believe will become wildly even more successful.
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Jonathan Weberg
Why Skool Works & How You Can Apply What They've Built - Into Your Own Business
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