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Created by Sally

Joyful Creatives Studio

Private • 42 • $5/m

🪄💫 Seeking and finding Joy so that you’ll be happier and more successful in your creative work ⭐️💎💖🌈🫙🎨🧵


Freedom Business House

Private • 29 • $111/m

Money Making Funhouse 💸

Private • 129 • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

Rebels 🤘😎

Private • 62 • $1/m


Private • 216 • $1/m

About Page Roasts

Private • 93 • $5/m

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free

Skool Affiliates

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605 contributions to Skool Community
Building Engagement Dexterity
Here is a great hand movement technique you can use stop arthritis and carpal tunnel Not financial advice
New comment 8h ago
Building Engagement Dexterity
3 likes • 19h
1 like • 10h
@Ryan Duncan
Why I am doubling (and then tripling) the price of my Skool group! 😱
Last week I told my House members that we are going to double and then triple the price of our community price. Then on Monday Hormozi did a class on pricing and everyone starting talking about pricing of their group and putting the price up (I know, I know, first he follows me to Skool and now this 😂) I have a few main reasons why we are having such a big increase: 👉 1. My members are getting big results and I need to charge a price in line with the ROI (for example Cydoni who just joined made her first 5 sales ever in two weeks, another member shared some big sales wins yesterday too as has just had what I believe is her biggest cash month.) 👉 2. We are adding in two new levels of support to help our member have fast results. One which is including the Somatic Breathwork sessions for all members (before this was an extra $70 a month). Reason being is I know that strategy and infomation alone is not enough and it's often the mindset monkeys that keep us stuck (which somatic work can clear). I ran a new breathwork session for them on Monday (designed to call in high-cash months) and our newest House member had big sales wins the very next day (pay in full client, plus 6 members paying joining her new Skool group on day 1!!) 👉 3. I am designed to go deep with a smaller group, rather than superficial with large groups (Human Design Projector here! 🙌) 👉 4. If feels like the right thing for me to do. I trust my body and intuition and this is what it has been telling me for a while. Also after teaching sales and marketing for so many years so I know for certain that almost always the more "skin in the game" people have, the more they move and the biggest results they get. All my clients that went to 6, 7 and even 8 figures didn't get there from a $99 a month membership. They got there by continually leaning into their edges and making big bold moves (not tiny safe ones 😛). and unfortunately those who think they can create a champagne lifestyle business on a business beer budget often stay drinking beer and not making it to levels they desire.
New comment 10h ago
Why I am doubling (and then tripling) the price of my Skool group! 😱
2 likes • 2d
A Wake-Up Call: When Your Heart Screams 'Enough!'
I'm dying. That’s what I was thinking after dropping my kids at school. My jaw went tight and then my chest went tight and the sharp stabbing pains started. To say I was freaking out would be an understatement. I limped the car home and curled up in a ball just waiting for the pain to hopefully stop. Once it stopped, I did the usual male response and decided to ignore it. Thankfully @Lexy Moore encouraged me to go to the hospital to have it checked out. I spent all day there hooked up to machines while tests were run. I was thinking "Is this it?" "Is this how far you have come?" "You are going to leave your kids behind, and what about that massive impact you said you would make on the world?" I was looking at myself, the life I’d created, and I felt ashamed of the choices I had made that had led me to that hospital bed. As they say, sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you make a change, and that is where I am at. I think I will be fine, and I am waiting to speak to a cardiologist later today, but I wanted to share this as motivation to keep your stress in check and to be kind to yourself. As much as many of us are pushing so hard on skool, please don't lose sight of what’s important; why you came here. Don’t lose yourself in the process. ❤️
New comment 17h ago
A Wake-Up Call: When Your Heart Screams 'Enough!'
1 like • 2d
@Dave Heraud
0 likes • 2d
@Dave Heraud welcomes!
Using Skool for a Happy Community 🙂
(How to win friends and influence people the Skool Way) Hey loves, as we have so many Skool newbies I thought I'd share a bit of the "Skool Etiquette" that will help you level up AND make friends on Skool! I am a bit of a Skool dinosaur compared to most people in here 🤪 and have ran my own online communities for 10 years now so the below is not "rules", just best practices that might be helpful for those of you new to this platform. Things that are great on Skool (that the Skool team, admins and top contributors/creators love!)👇🏼 ✅ Liking (by pressing like) other peoples posts and comments (this helps them level up) ✅ Being supportive of others (especially if they are being brave/vulnerable/celebrating) ✅ Give more than you take ✅ GIFS - we love GIFS on Skool! ✅ Remember that the admin team of Skool groups are humans too (and have busy lives) so be aware of not giving them extra work unnecessarily. ✅ Show appreciation to others who have been kind/supportive/generous to you (a simple "thank you" goes a long way) Things that are not so great on Skool (that may also annoy people which we don't want)👇🏼 ❌ Spamming people in the DM's 🙄 (Don't do this - I had someone message me asking for likes the other day and we don't do this either, we only message for genuine connection). ❌ Sharing your own things on someones post while not acknowledging them 🙄 If you didn't like their post, or acknowledge what THEY said first, it's probably not best to drop your own advice/opinion as it can come across as hostile. It takes two seconds to like and acknowledge them before you share your part. When you don't it can appear like you are not listening to, or caring about the poster (if you don't know the person really well this is really important). It's like the person who you tell a story to and when you stop talking then they change the conversation and tell a story without acknowledging your story you just shared! (We all know someone like this 😝) Example of how to do this in a positive way on someones post (that you gave a LIKE before you comment!) 👇🏼
New comment 2h ago
Using Skool for a Happy Community 🙂
2 likes • 2d
Great post @Jade Jemma glad it was pinned! 🎯📌 Lol to the Skool dinosaur though! 🦖🤣😂
Newest [Level 7] Skool Goat!! 🚀🚀🚀 [Congrats🔥🔥]
@Franklin Ovalles show him some love! Consistency shows! Congrats!!!
19 members have voted
New comment 2d ago
Newest [Level 7] Skool Goat!! 🚀🚀🚀 [Congrats🔥🔥]
2 likes • 2d
@Will Murphy
2 likes • 2d
@Will Murphy
1-10 of 605
Sally How
1,158points to level up
Creatives Queen of JOY 👸 💫 Goldsmith & mentor 💛

Active 5h ago
Joined Jan 29, 2024
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