Feedback and initial impressions of skool after migrating from facebook
We’ve recently moved over our community from facebook to skool, and it’s been a big timesaver. Clients are enjoying it.
Some things I’m loving:
  • Peaceful environment with clear bounds - selecting by group and ONLY seeing what you intend to
  • Searchable community
  • Filters + Ability to clear specific notifications: this gives community managers a clear workflow and helps avoid missing questions
Things that are causing a negative flywheel:
  • Lack of live-search while writing a post title to avoid duplication of posts
  • Lack of merge-post feature and higher level moderator features.
  • Inability to edit titles of other posts (e.g. if a user posts a vague title)
Without those, this lowers the threshold for duplicate posts and increased mess. Great to see they are being considered on the roadmap.
Vague titles means that new users are unlikely to find the answer quickly, increasing the chance they will create a new post, and the vicious circle continues. Title etiquette is obviously best dealt with at source, but it is impossible to avoid, especially when someone asking the question may not have a clear grasp on the problem, or phrase it in the most searchable way. Example below.
Smaller features I’m missing:
  • Rich text editing. I know this was a deliberate decision not to have this.
  • Images in the text, rather than at the end. Use case: Writing a guide with screenshots between text.
Yusef Smith
Feedback and initial impressions of skool after migrating from facebook
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