Jul '22 (edited) in Bug Reports
1 Line of Code = Fixes Mobile “App”
Hey there so as some of you know, since we don’t have a mobile app, you can tell your students to simply “Add to Homescreen” to mimic an app.
However - because there’s a line of code missing, when you open the “mobile app” that you just saved your home screen, it still shows the address bar - sort of losing the whole “app experience” and potentially providing a worse user experience w/ the annoying address bar shown.
This is because, unlike other sites (like nomadlist) when you add to Home Screen, they have a special code that allows the “app” to play more nicely & hides the address bar.
This completes the app feel & quite honestly, with this last piece, can really solve the mobile app need until a native app is complete.
Can the devs please considering add the following code I found that hides the address bar once someone has added Skool to homescreen?
That way it feels more like an app & provides a better user experience on mobile?
See screenshots & reference links:
This seems like an easy hot-fix.
Ingrid Souza
1 Line of Code = Fixes Mobile “App”
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