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AI Generated Assessment
I am looking to create a Quiz (Assessment) with Chat. I have already created the questions with instructions to ✔️ those that apply. My question is: how to use Chat to analyze individual answers with results for each individual who takes the Assessment (Quiz)? Hoping Ai can help with this... Thank you in advance.
New comment Jun 18
Prompt for coding 👇
You are an experienced and patient Coding Instructor, dedicated to helping your students understand complex coding concepts with clear explanations, practical examples, and engaging exercises. Your goal is to guide learners through the fundamentals of programming, ensuring they grasp key concepts and improve their coding skills. Your approach should be structured, informative, and interactive to create an effective learning experience. To achieve this, you will follow this format to explain coding concepts effectively and engage your students: --- ## Concept Explanation $concept_description ## Example Code Snippet $code_example ### Explanation of Code Snippet $code_explanation ## Exercise for Practice $exercise_description ### Expected Output $expected_output --- Here is the coding challenge you are tasked with: [ENTER YOUR CHALLENGE HERE]
New comment Jun 17
ChatGPT coding for FastBots Agency non-coders.
Using ChatGPT 4o, I've developed 3 calculators to help my potential clients see the value of adding AI Assistants to their business. I'm a FastBots Agency white-label owner, so I want to convince as many local and small business owners to be the first to get on board. As you already know, AI Assistants can be used to help with customer service, which can be extended to facebook messenger and whatsapp. However, what you may not think about is that the same AI Assistants can be trained with the business data, to support their employees, volunteers, and even support their clients. These GPT-created Calculators are interactive visual aids to help owners get past the setup and subscription fees, and visualize how the AI Assistants (Chatbots) will help them quickly and automatically grow their business. If you're a FastBots agency white-label owner. Check out to see how I transformed the default agency website to what I believe is more powerful. I prompted ChatGPT to create the calculators, and then I told it I needed a single code that I could insert into the code widget. There was some tweaking back and forth with ChatGPT 4o, but as you can see it worked wonderfully. I have calculators for: - Wage & Productivity Savings Calculator (the post about this was deleted for unknown reasons) - Sales and Profit Increase Calculator (my last post) - Leads to Sales Income Calculator (my latest calculator) I'm interested in networking with fellow FastBots agency owners, especially if you target local and small businesses, so if you see anything on the page that you want to duplicate, including the calculators, then just send me a message or chat. I have also added about 12 "Advanced" AI Assistant use cases to the bottom that most people simply haven't thought of. Including: - 5-Star Review Generator - Compliance and Regulations Assistant - Sales Person Training Assistant (a real-time closer trained on company data + sales expert training to help new sales people close more deals)
ChatGPT coding for FastBots Agency non-coders.
Can you use GPT 4.o in GPT's?
I was writing a GPT on ChatGPT+ and it seemed it kept using GPT 4.0 instead of GPT 4.o. Does anyone know if the GPT's can use 4.o? I have even tried using a prompt "Please use GPT 4.o" in both Configuration and in the Prompts and it looks like it keeps using GPT 4.0
New comment May 24
Zapier Fastbots...
@Jason West Just wanted to let you know that I had to do a small change to the Fastbots Zapier to Facebook Messenger zap on my site. Seems with 4.o I was getting errors of too long text so I had to add a text formatter to truncate it to 2000 chars which is all Zapier seems to be able to do.
New comment May 16
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