Create Carousel with ChatGPT - Prompt
I was playing around with GPT-4 Advanced Data Analysis to see if it could create a carousel, and here is the final prompt we developed. Please try and share your creations!
Objective: Create a carousel with specified images.
  • [Upload all the images you want to use and number them with 1.0, 2.0 etc]
Text to be added:
  1. Text for Image 1
  2. Text for Image 2 ... [and so on]
Text Placement: At the bottom of the image. If the text is too long, split into two lines.
  • Font name (Your font, Google font seems to wo)
  • Font size (e.g., 100px)
  • Font color (if a specific color is desired)
Image Adjustments:
  • Brightness: [Value]
  • Contrast: [Value]
  • Saturation: [Value]
  • [Any other adjustments]
Additional Elements:
  • Logo: [Upload the logo if you want it added]
  • Logo position: [e.g., upper left corner]
  • [Any other elements or graphics]
Output Format:
  • PDF (or specify if a different format is desired)
Birgitta Granstrom
Create Carousel with ChatGPT - Prompt
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