Annoying pop up plug-ins
I have tons of plug-ins and extensions and call myself an "app addict":-) I love to discover new ones, and I add all the great ones, which results in me having so many I maybe forget the best ones:-) I'm in recovery and working on being more restrictive and analyzing what apps are useful, and I do my best to avoid those "fun to have"? Is anyone who can relate? 😂 The pics are special for you @Mary Kuchnicki. The latest plug-in is the ChatGPT sidebar, which is good, but maybe it's one too many since Grammarly is doing a great (and I think better job.) When I was looking for another pop-up that didn't show, I opened up a Google Doc and found two more plug-ins I had forgotten about.😂 So I went to my webpage to call for it:-) The color thing catches texts from websites, but I never really use it because I think they are saved on a platform. (This is a typical example of when I'm thinking, "I have to check - later"😂 I think this will be a great thread and a reason to do a clean-up among apps and extensions.
Birgitta Granstrom
Annoying pop up plug-ins
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