This Week, I'm answering your questions about EFT and Hypnotherapy!
Happy Tuesday, Community!
Here's your opportunity for FREE coaching! This week, I'm open to answering any questions you might have about EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping) and/or Hypnotherapy or the Subconscious Mind?
If you've ever wondered how to use these techniques, what they are good for, how they work or if they can be applied successfully to your challenges and what that might look like...ask any question you might have below in the comments.
This might also look like expressing doubts (I experience/feel/have been diagnosed with ________and I don't see how this could work because ___________). Or, I just don't understand how regulating my nervous system or working with my subconscious will transform my success/income/sex life/emotions/relationships/parenting/past trauma, etc. Bring it all to the table this week!
As always, there are no topics or questions that are too small or big and nothing is off limits!
**If what you wish to ask feels super sensitive, you can always DM me and ask me to keep it anonymous when I coach.
On Friday, I will answer your questions and help you however I can with what you ask me about!
If you haven't watched last week's 2 part coaching on sexual trauma and raising your vibrations you can find that HERE.
Theresa Lear Levine
This Week, I'm answering your questions about EFT and Hypnotherapy!
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