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Client falls off his Ski's and FRACTURES his knee... (still hits 5.7x ROAS with YT Ads)
Major WIN to share with you today Ad Men! Richard Norris, a DFY agency client of ours, sent us this message in Slack just over 2-weeks ago... Looks pretty painful right? Having fractured my right ankle back in College... I know how annoying it is to NOT be able to walk. Let alone think straight when all you want to do is be able to move without worrying about hurting yourself. Luckily, as I mentioned, Richard is a client of ours and pays us to help him scale all his YouTube Ads for him... So even though he's been out of commission these last two weeks, here's his results from this past week: SPEND: $6,6116.02 REVENUE: $34,953.33 ROAS: 5.72x 📈 So even though we're wishing Richard a super speedy recovery, he doesn't have to worry... Because we're already taking care of all his YouTube Ads media buying and scaling for him... Now, are you running YouTube Ads for your business and want similar results to Richard? Click here to have my team SCALE all your YouTube Ads for you. We'll hop on a call, and create a custom YouTube Ads strategy for you and your business specifically. If you're not running any ads on YouTube yet, we'll help you create all your ads and campaigns so that you can start generating leads... And then we'll work with you to help you manage, optimize, and scale them too! If you're already running YouTube Ads, and you want us to take the media buying off your plate, we can easily do that too... But like Richard, the first thing you absolutely must do to see if/how we can help you is... Click here to have my team SCALE all your YouTube Ads for you. Because BTW... we raise our prices in 4-days! And this is NOT fake urgency or scarcity... If you come to us starting July 1st, and want to work with us, our price will be higher. So click that link, fill out the short application, and book a call before you miss out. -Brian 'taking care of your Ads & ROAS' Moncada
New comment Jun 26
Client falls off his Ski's and FRACTURES his knee... (still hits 5.7x ROAS with YT Ads)
3 things I learned making $137k last month from YouTube Ads
Just made our best month ever at $137k cash collected in May. ​ I spent $200K to buy almost every coaching program you can imagine from the top guys in our industry and hired about 13 closers. Out of 13 closers, only 3 were worth keeping on the team. ​ Here’s what I learned: ​ 1. Most of them call themselves closers after taking Cole’s course or Dan Lok’s course but don’t they don’t understand sales fundamentals and how to communicate without causing any friction. ​ 2. Really good closers are already making good money. If they’re broke, it means they don’t know how to sell themselves to a good company, if they can’t sell themselves, they won’t be able to sell your offer. ​ 3. Don’t remove yourself from sales until someone can match your performance. Biggest mistake I made was to remove myself too early from sales because I was tired of it. Suck it up, get better and learn to enjoy sales. It will serve you a lifetime. ​ That's why I fired all my old sales team and decided to do all the setting and closing myself again. ​ Not gonna lie, I'm starting to feel a maxed out as I took over 100 live demos as the founder on top of calling over 600 new leads. ​ Our bottleneck right now is the appointment setting. ​ My goal is to bring on an appointment setter this month to at least remove myself from that part so I can take 120-140 live demos and reach $200k/mo cash collected. ​ For setters, unlike closers, I don't think they need experience to succeed fast. The main thing is looking for someone eager to learn, with a TON of drive and hunger. ​ When I was 16 years old, that was me. I had dropped out of high school, with zero skills and zero income but I was disciniplined and driven. ​ 7-figures seemed so far away and I could have never reached it simply because I was lacking a lot of skills. Looking back, the first skill I should have learned was appointment setting because it doesn't matter if you're good at closing if you have no calls in the first place... ​ Anyways, hopefully this can inspire some of you guys in here.
New comment Jun 25
3 things I learned making $137k last month from YouTube Ads
Over 1000 ads tested on Youtube
5 things I've learned after testing well over 1000 ads on Youtube. In short form. 1) Good creative makes media buying easier, When you have scalable ads, you can target completely broad with 50k/day campaigns. 2) The hook/lead is everything. The first 1-30 seconds is where you'll want to put the majority of focus on 3) Test. Test constantly. Test different angles. Test different formats. Consistently test. Those who don't are lazy. 4) Create variations for winners. When you find winning ads, create variations of that winning ad. That's easier than having to create new angles all the time. 5) Become obsessed with details. When you test this many ads, you have to become more detail-oriented for optimization. What are you testing in the ad? Why? Does your test make sense or are you just testing shit 'for the sake of testing'? Are the video edits in line with the right conversion elements?
New comment Jun 6
View Cap And Impression Cap Frequencies | YouTube Ads
Normally, I would reduce my view and impression frequencies to 7X daily after the second day of launching my ads. Then reduce it gradually over time. To 3X daily Then 1X daily Then 5X weekly. But it was taking a long time to reduce my CPAs. And then I had this random conversation with a friend and colleague. He was like, "IDGAF, you will only see my ad once a month." What?!, I said. This guy gets very low CPAs. After that call, I logged in to the ad dashboard of a client. and reduced my frequencies from 7X daily to 2X daily. My CPA dropped by 50%. I will reduce it to 5X per week by Monday.
Welcome New Members 🎉🥂
Hey Ad Men! Hope everybody is having a great Thursday! Let's welcome the new members of the community who have joined in the last week, don't forget to introduce yourself and check our free Youtube Ads mini-course inside of the Classroom, also keep in mind the rules of our community! @Israel Nnaji @Spoki S @Joey Cits @Togar Beckol @Gabriel Roussel @Sai Lee @Abhishek Mishra @Miguel Morell @Toby Wimble @Sumon Talukder @Shakur Mustafe @Namit Chawla @Luke Scherba @Federico Sastre @Youssif Hani @Khalid Shamim @Hiren Varia @Jashanjot Singh @Todd Gladden @Faizan Shah @Marco Koppen @Thabo Baxa @Bouchet Loan @Samuel Hess @Joshua Kontoh @Gerald Confienza @Markus Seb @Muhammad Adeel Khan @Yumer Mestan @Michael Davis @Sunil Kumar @Hector Ruiz @Emmanuel Hanson @Xavier Ibert @Michael Louis @Wajih Jallal
New comment May 11
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A community for high-ticket coaches, course creators, and agency owners who want to learn how to scale with YouTube Ads
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