World-Famous Surfer Hired Us To Record Ads/VSLs (In-Person) — Here’s The Plan…
Next September we’re off to Hawaii 🏝
…And not precisely on vacation.
To give you more context…
We’ve built quite a reputation lately for the quality of our creative assets.
Sure, our Media Buying savagery is out of the question…
…But our creative assets are the first thing people notice about Adspend, and it has helped us attract ‘premium’ leads that need creative assistance ASAP.
(Helps having a top 1% copywriter, two world-class video editors, and an Oscar-worthy creative director)
Needless to say… Creative is a strong pain point for most people…
And that includes those big names we all love and trust so much.
Hell… I even used to struggle with writing, filming, and producing my own videos and ads in my early stages too.
And if you pay close attention…
Most agencies, business owners, coaches, consultants, and creators struggle with creative as well…
Because they all talk about ‘getting attention’ but they don’t know what attention is, and how it works…
And to get attention, all you have to do is create CONTRAST.
If there’s NO contrast, you can’t interrupt that pattern and catch people off-guard…
But that’s not it…
There’s something else that really ensures that earned-right to other people’s attention is used well… And that is: giving away INFORMATION people don’t know…
Because this pushes people to sit and listen, and get into education mode…
Remember, your ads, especially on YouTube… have to be both ENTERTAINING & EDUCATIONAL.
That’s why people watch videos on YouTube in the first place, to LEARN something & be ENTERTAINED.
It’s the new TV.
But the point of me saying all this is because a World-Class Surfer recently hired my team and I to FLY OUT to her, and help her record a VSL & some killer ads for her life-changing offer. Now what does this mean for you and WHY should YOU care? Well, it’s no secret that AI is quickly changing the way we live our lives, for example…
The other day I was scrolling on Instagram and saw a clip of this dude getting his haircut by a robot…
It was the most scary thing I’ve ever seen…
He was literally at the mercy of this machine, who was equipped with RAZOR sharp blades and one WRONG move could be the difference of about a month’s worth of embarrassment with his new hairstyle OR maybe even a casualty at the test of this future machine-barber.
Now fresh fades aside for a second, obviously AI is also changing how we run our businesses too, including how we create ads and content to get more clients. Media buying is becoming easier and easier, and CREATIVE is once again reigning supreme.
Which means if you REALLY want to control the outcome of your ad campaigns, you NEED to control the QUALITY of your CREATIVE.
After all, just because there’s softwares out there that can write all your scripts for you, even read the scripts for you in your own voice (sort of), they still can’t help you put the whole strategy together and make sure it’s produced properly for YOUR brand.
Now, I’m not saying you should have a team like ours FLY OVER every time you need help filming any videos ever, even though that’d be ideal…
But I AM saying that the more you can control the outcomes of the assets you produce, the better… especially when it comes to ads.
Which is exactly why we…
  • Hop on Script Rehearsal Coaching Calls with our clients to read through the copy together and make sure it flows well for them and ensure it’s edited properly
  • Leave Creative Direction notes to guide our clients through our ad ideas which tell them exactly what to do on-camera as they read the scripts so that they never have that "I never know what do do with my hands…" feeling when filming
  • Coach our clients on tonality, energy, dress code, lighting, while also giving them stupid simple instructions on how to film their ads in 30-minutes or less + send them back to us without worrying about dealing with any of the editing.
And pretty much everything else that could impact the ad or VSL’s performance…
Because this is something our competitors don’t do…
And I know this first hand because their clients come to me and get mind blown when we take ownership of all this…
Which is something that for us is the BARE minimum…
…For other people it’s running the extra mile…
Now ask yourself…
What if you made other people’s extra mile, your bare minimum?
What if you build a reputation for excellence?
What if you help people by actually helping them?
After all, this goes way further than just doing your job and getting paid…
Because your clients will tell, and their results will be 10x better…
That’s how we ATTRACTED this Hawaii Fly-Out deal…
And it’s how we secured a massive deal for us in terms of big names, great offer, and a potential long-term relationship with an amazing brand that knows, likes, and trusts us…
But anyways, that trip comes up next month…
For now, we have out sights set on finishing strong for PBD and attending his conference next Weekend to celebrate with the rest of the Valuetainment team while smoking some Cubans & toasting Dom Pérignon.
But future celebrations aside…
This is the NEW standard for our agency. This is the NEW standard for the industry.
And as always...
I’m going to share every step of the journey with you, so that you can see the behind the scenes process, crazy business results, and life-changing transformations.
Here's to elevating our standards 🥂
- Brian ‘Academy Award Winning Ads’ Moncada
Brian Moncada
World-Famous Surfer Hired Us To Record Ads/VSLs (In-Person) — Here’s The Plan…
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