We Partnered With Patrick Bet-David For His ‘Vault Conference’, And Here’s What Happened…
If you have Internet access, you may have heard of some random dude called Patrick Bet-David.
Not so well known, right? Complete stranger.…
He’s only interviewed the most influential people on this Earth, and made MILLIONS helping other business owners reach their next level of success with bulletproof strategies that work even during a recession.…
He’s interviewed people like Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, Robert Kiyosaki, Andrew Tate, and so on…
So, it’s safe to say that Patrick Bet-David knows what he’s doing when it comes to creating content AND sales.
Yet, having a BIG NAME doesn’t guarantee success with a cold traffic audience.
Yes, it does help. Don’t get me wrong.…
But the reality is, even if someone has ‘heard of you’, that’s rarely enough to push people to buy…
…Especially when it comes to a LIVE Event.
And that’s the topic for today’s email.
See, it all began last year after the last event (The Vault Conference), when one of my friends introduced me to Patrick Bet-David’s COO & Marketing Manager.
At that time, they didn’t have much advertising running at all, and so I sent them a few strategies they could implement for their offers immediately.
To be honest, I wasn’t expecting what was about to happen…
I’ve been in this game long enough to know that these sales cycles for WHALE clients take months and months to work and close…
…But after I sent those strategies (actual tactical advice), one thing led to another, and I actually ended up shaking hands with PBD for the first time at a UFC fight in Miami But that wouldn’t be the last time, because it only took a few months until his team partnered with Adspend to start working on his 2023 edition for The Vault Conference, taking place this August 30th - September 2nd, 2023 in Miami, FL.And this is massive…
…Not only because Patrick Bet-David is one of the most well-known faces RIGHT NOW…
…But because we had another invaluable chance to prove Adspend only works with the best of the best, and that we can deliver amazing results even if things don’t start off on the right foot.
So we got to work… And we set ourselves a goal…
…We needed to sell a total of 3,000 tickets for the Vault Conference, and we were just 3 months away from the deadline…
…Good news is, they’ve already sold 500 tickets organically…
…So we had a proof of concept…
However, this is something that would make most agency owners wet their beds…
…But not Adspend. We saw it as a challenge.
And we see challenges as opportunities to prove we’re the most sought-after ADVERTISING agency in the info-product industry.
Not only YouTube. At least, not anymore.
So fastforward August 2023…
…We helped PBD’s team REBUILD their funnel…
…Create new headlines…
…Script and record new YouTube Ads…
…And what seemed to be an uphill battle, ended up being a MASSIVE win…
…Because we were able to help PBD, one of the biggest players in the game, practically SELL OUT this version of The Vault Conference with just YouTube Ads and a new funnel.
Of course… It helps that his guest-speakers are world-class.We’re talking about Tom Brady, Mike Tyson, and Will Guidara (Unreasonable Hospitality — rings a bell?), and of course, Patrick Bet-David himself…
But that’s not the best part…
…The best part is that we could achieve this with just YouTube Ads, while Facebook has been historically their primary traffic source for cold traffic…
So, what does this mean for you?
It means that sometimes, it takes putting some ‘skin in the game’ to reap the rewards of success.
You can’t win big if you play small. That’s a fact.
And even though my team wasn’t 100% sold on taking this account, knowing how short on time we were, and that we needed to sell tickets ASAP…
…This proved a point.
It proved that even if things look tough, sometimes (clearly, depending on the situation) taking the risk is the only way to win big…
Needless to say, the battle isn’t over yet.There’s still tickets to be sold.
So if you’re in the Miami area, and want to discover how you can elevate your business strategy and performance with time-tested, iron-clad strategies coming straight from one of this generation’s brightest minds…
…Then the Vault Conference is where you should be at.Remember, it’s happening in Miami, this August 30th - September 2nd, 2023, and thanks to our help, there are not many tickets left…
…So if you want in, it’s now or never lol.
You can get your tickets by clicking or tapping the link below:
Oh, and before I go…
I wouldn’t just brag about our YouTube Ads without showing you.
After all, I want you to see the proof for yourself…
But before I reveal the top-performing ad, I want you to consider this:
Even though Patrick Bet-David is one of the most recognized and successful business people on Earth, he STILL followed our process to the ‘T’...
…He read our scripts WORD FOR WORD…
…He trusted us, our advice, and our best practices…
…Which only goes to show why he is who he is, and why he has achieved what he has achieved.
Because to win you need a team.
And his team trusted our team.
Even if at the beginning stages of our engagement things didn’t look so well…
So, here’s the stupid simple ad that helped US help Patrick Bet-David ‘flood’ his event with red-hot leads, some of which could potentially increase his AOVs after the event:
Now, I’ll leave you to it.
And remember...
If you never take risks, you’ll always be average.
And nobody remembers average people’s names.
You’re destined for greatness.
It’s time to prove it. 🥂
- Brian ‘Helping The Next President Sell His Event’ Moncada
Brian Moncada
We Partnered With Patrick Bet-David For His ‘Vault Conference’, And Here’s What Happened…
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