The ‘Hiroshima’ Of Advertising Is Upon Us ⚠️⚠️⚠️
There’s a war being fought right now, and you’re part of it.
But the scariest thing, is that this ‘war’ began before you were born…
It started before your mom and dad became adults…
…It started before your grandparents bought their houses…
…And it even started before advertising gained ‘mainstream’ relevance…
…In fact, this war is probably the longest standing conflict humankind has ever been a part of…
And the enemy is right in front of us.
But the worst part is… 90% of the world doesn't even know who the enemy is…
…And that 10% who DO WHO KNOW the enemy is, is treated like they’re just being paranoid, or they’re called a conspiracy theorist, or even a lunatic…
…But you and I know who that enemy is, and what they’re doing…
The enemy, is nothing but anyone and anything that spreads ‘sketchy’ information…
We’re FIGHTING the mainstream media.
They ARE the enemy, and they’ve been the enemy all along.
They’ve been manipulating the masses, to a point, even YOU believe that…
- Salt is bad for you
- Sunlight makes you weaker
- Men should be feminine
- Women should be submissive
- Kids should be sexually active
And I’ll stop it right there because you get the point, and we could go on for ages…
The reality is…
These ‘mainstream’ media outlets want to distract YOU from the TRUTH.
And the truth is that, as people who run ads, we grab, keep, and monetize attention…
But not for the sake of getting richer or getting ‘bragging rights’ over cool ads people can’t help but watching…
We do it because we want to ELEVATE the standards of this industry, and EDUCATE the world to make better decisions.
We do this because we care.
We do this because we believe in something bigger than ourselves.
We do this because the WORLD needs it…
And we’re doing it ONE ad at a time. I realized all that while spending the weekend at Cole Gordon’s Mastermind in Cabo, Mexico…
…And I’ve never been so clear about my purpose in this life, and what I’ll die for if I have to. And this is important for you, because for the longest time, you probably didn’t know where you’re going or WHY you’re going there in the first place…
Sure, you wanted to make money…
You wanted to make an impact…
But is that purpose BIG enough?
Is it enough to attract Superstar team members?
…Is it enough to inspire your competitors to raise their standards?
…Is it BIG and IMPORTANT enough for your wife, husband, mom, dad, even friends to understand why you wake up early and go to bed late ‘writing an email’ or ‘plotting your next move’?
Because I know that Eisenhower’s wife wasn’t complaining about him not spending enough time at home while he was trying to save the world…
And we’re not Eisenhower by any means…
But we’re part of a WAR that can’t be won without YOU. So just like Uncle Sam would say…
(And not Sam Ovens, but MAYBE he would agree…)
This ‘country’ needs YOU.
Because I can’t do this alone.
The advertising world needs you to create BETTER ads that spread POSITIVITY and MASSIVE change while educating the audiences…
So that YOU can help THEM make BETTER decisions…
Which will ultimately help people live BETTER lives… happier, healthier, and wealthier lives.
And it starts today.
So if you’re fired up, I want you in my ‘company’.
So here’s what I want you to do if you’re with me on winning this war against the so-called ‘awakened’...
I want YOU to commend down below with the words "I'm in!" and make the commitment to YOURSELF, to setup up and raise your standards for yourself/your business to fight this good fight with us.
Because everyone here sells that right information, and it's important we get YOUR message out there, and help our audiences make these better decisions.
This ‘country’ needs you.
The WORLD needs you…
So let's fight.
Let's win 🥂
- Brian ‘Winning The War Against Mainstream Media’ Moncada
Brian Moncada
The ‘Hiroshima’ Of Advertising Is Upon Us ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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