🇬🇧 London Mastermind recap (plus a surprise at the bottom)
Yesterday we flew back home from the UK after a half-week long business trip where we accomplished 3 things:
1. Meet up with the Adspend.com UK team (shoutout to & )
2. Get together with a few members from the Ad Men Mastermind
3. Speak at Charlie Morgan's mastermind on YouTube Ads And I'm happy to report that it was a TOTAL success!
Last Wednesday we met up with our team & Cam for dinner at this super unique Italian restaurant called, Circolo Popolare.
Once you walk in, you're greeted by the staff and asked if you want to check your coat or your umbrella (something we never even think about in AZ lol...)
And then you're eyes become fascinated by the copious amounts of liquor shelves molded into the walls on your right and left of the restaurant with lights behind them that almost make it look a bit like it's Christmas!
Not to mention, the food was absolutely delicious...
A bit small to be fair, but hey, maybe that's why America is a lot HEAVIER than the UK hahah...
Lastly, the conversations were even better.
There's nothing like meeting up with your team in person and breaking bread together.
You get to learn more about the people you work with everyday virtually, on a whole different level and most importantly... It makes all this REAL!
Not saying your business, or my business isn't real lol...
But it becomes even more REAL when you get to physically see your clients, customers, and team members in real life!
Not just for you, but for them too.
Which is extremely important for buy-in and commitment to your vision, mission, and values as a company!
Needless to say, everyone left that dinner happy and excited for the future :)
Then, come Friday, it was the first day the Imperium mastermind with Charlie Morgan and his team.
Now look... I've been to plenty of masterminds at this point in my career...
The first mastermind I ever joined and attended was Vince Del Monte's 7-Figure Fitness Business mastermind in Toronto, Canada almost 4+ years ago now...
Then I joined War Room after we got Roland Frasier, Perry Belcher, and Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer as a client for our agency...
Then I joined Cole Gordon's 8-figure Boardroom 2-years ago when he first launched it...
Next was Sam Oven's Quantum Mastermind which was by far one of the best mastermind's I've ever been apart of, period. And for the last year I've have been apart of Jeremy Haynes inner circle as well.
Now the reason I share all that is to give you context at just how impactful what I am about to say is, for you...
This past weekend's mastermind in London gave me OG Sam Oven's vibes.
Charlie Morgan and his team did a phenomenal job at keeping it very intimate, and only discussing what everyone there wanted to learn more about for their specific situations in their business.
He also mentioned multiple times throughout the weekend at how phenomenal our agency has been to him and his team whilst we've been working together for the last 6-7 months...
And how in that short time, my team and I have helped his business generate an extra $3M in revenue from YouTube Ads!
Which is the whole reason why he and his partner Bau, wanted to fly me out there to speak!
Because of how happy they are with us, and how much of a red-carpet customer experience we've delivered to them as our client...
But more importantly than that...
I was happiest when Charlie made it known to everyone there that we've helped them enroll 262 new clients into their program Easy Grow.
That's 262 people who've had their lives impacted by OUR YouTube Ads.
Sure the $3M revenue added is more "click-baity", but the real impact is made in the people who've clicked and paid!
After all...
Our name might be Adspend.com, but our Mission is to...
Create Entertaining Ads That Educate The World To Make Better Decisions!
And the more clients we help YOU get, or client's like Charlie Morgan get...
The more lives we help change.
Anyways... That's enough from me for now lol.
It's time to kick-off the week and get back to work!
Last week I told you we were launching the Ad Men Academy...
Our NEW program for coaches, course creators, and agency owners who want to learn how to create 'Blockbuster' YouTube Ads that allow you to get MORE and BETTER leads, without having to wait ages to see results…
And this week we're putting the finishing touches on the VSL and Ads that we'll be filming to advertise it starting November!
Playing before the next YouTube video you click on, real real soon ;)
But until then, stay tuned for tomorrow's email (especially for all my fellow agency owners...)
I'll be revealing the 3 proven methods we've used to land 'WHALE' clients and command $15k/month retainers for our YouTube Ads service...
Talk soon!
-Brian "helping the world make better decisions 1 YouTube Ad at a time" Moncada
Brian Moncada
🇬🇧 London Mastermind recap (plus a surprise at the bottom)
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