I spoke at Charlie Morgan's mastermind in London (here's what happened)
The weekend before last, I was in London England speaking at an exclusive mastermind that wasn't available to the public...
It was Charlie Morgan's first ever Imperium Mastermind event, and he asked me to speak on YouTube Ads.
Charlie is a client of ours at Adspend.com, and we've been working together for 7-months now...
In that short time, we've helped him enroll over 262 NEW high-ticket clients into his coaching program, Easy Grow!
Which has generated him and his team close to $1M in CASH collected, and just under $3M in TOTAL revenue!
But that's besides the point...
The point of this email is to show you the recap of what happened that weekend, and give you a behind the scenes look at what it's like to attend one of these exclusive mastermind events for yourself!
So, without further ado...
We now present to you, the London Mastermind recap VLOG...
-Brian "Back At It Again With The Mastermind Vlogs" Moncada
Brian Moncada
I spoke at Charlie Morgan's mastermind in London (here's what happened)
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