How should I get my feet wet
Using Brian’s personalized loom strategy, I can dm a few people and get meetings very quickly. Only time consuming part is just finding people.
I’m trying to get into more ad accounts, build up case studies and reputation.
Lately, my offer has been “I’ll get you set up for free (ad creative)” then to media buy and maintain campaign it will be $1500/$2000m + 10% profit.
I’m trying this for 3 ppl right now, and it hasn’t been long enough to see how it’ll play out, but so far, there’s quite a lot of waiting and relying on clients to move forward to the next stage before launch. Maybe the commitment is not 100% there, and I do work and build a good relationship trusting the client will move forward with me on launch.
Should I continue with an offer like this until I get solid results, or does it just make sense for me to charge upfront like I would if I had solid results.
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Lou Lundi
How should I get my feet wet
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