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Agency Service Scaling Kings👑

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563 contributions to Agency Service Scaling Kings👑
GoCardless vs Stripe
Hey guys, has anytime used GoCardless over stripe. My Accountant recommended it as you can easily integrate with invoicing and almost 50% less $ with fees. Just not sure as its all direct deposits which you can still automatically charge but the money has to be in your clients account but the low fees are a big draw (currrently paying $700-1k in stripe fees p/m).
New comment 53m ago
0 likes • 15h
On the aame side as jamie, but how are you spending 700 to 1k in stripe fees. They're not that big. You would have to make 20k for that or am I wrong?
0 likes • 53m
@Emmett McCarry Oh yeah for sure. Honestly, I'm just curious how he's able to get billed that much, haha If it's going to be potentially profitable, it's always smart to see how's it going no matter how popular
Best ad strategy for RE? (sellers)
Just signed a client and using Uncle Jimmy's ad copy prompt to create these ads but I have no idea what I should even be offering in the ads. Home valuation? If so how do we actually offer this tangibly? Have to get campaigns live soon so need to figure out some way or another. Appreciate any help!
New comment 54m ago
1 like • 5h
First please use gernal tap for questions and not tools and tips. Secondly this is what you will have to make out with your clients. A free and non binding home evaluation is always a great way to start. You will be likely fine with just going with this and your clients USP's. You can also ask him if there's anything more than that. Thinks like certain professionals expose's, home marketing, screened ready to buy buyer list. sell in x weeks or days. All that are cool thinks to additonally advertise. I'm also in RE, so be open to ask any questions. And I changed the category for you
Minimum budget to run ads for your agency
I have heard from others that you need 4-7k/month minimum to run ads for your agency, which I am not sure if it is true, but for those who have done it, what do you think the minimum budget should be to get 5+ bookings per week?
New comment 11h ago
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well it's said you should run ads whith money which will hurt you if you lose it but won't ruin the business. You will need at least 1k per month as a ad spend so you can work things out. If you don't have this don't do it. If you do and it won't ruin your business it will be worth a try
3 likes • 13h
@Emmett McCarry what? We can disagree? Haha No but you're right, it's not that you can't run ads before that and can't make it work. As you said you can use it find something which works and you won't need a ton of cash for it, wo why not try it so you have smth when you're at the point. I just heared it often and want to give a general answer to it. It might fit a bit better for local business in comparision to online b2b. Still the range of 500-1k is still smth to work around. If you make 1k a month and want/can spend 200 dollars on ads a month it might work out to get a few meetings but it it's just not the best time for starting with ads.
Great ad bad preformance🤨🤨
Hi! Recently ran a DCT with a video ad in it. Saw that the video ad got really god CPA so I decided to switch from a DCT to manual and only run that ad with the winning copy. But now the ads basically sucks in terms of metrics. From lead cost of 6-9$ to 30$ And this happened because i changed from DCT to single ad. What’s making it perform bad, or what made it so god in the DCT
New comment 1d ago
1 like • 2d
how long has it been run and with how much link clicks and ad spend? Sometimes these ads just need some time to again pick up the alghryhtm you got before
service delivery question
Hey guys, I'm in the real estate niche I set up a funnel on ghl for my client - if I had to change 1 thing - what would it be from your experience?
New comment 18h ago
0 likes • 2d
I'm honestly not sure about the overall style of the landing page. Here are a few good landing pages Having a form, call to action buttons, testimonials in form with a 5 star review and being congreunt with the ad will be the main points. Also heared that sticky notes like a button that sticks with you trough the scroll increases conversion too. Make sure the spacing is actually good. You can look at the website in a second tab in devoloper mode and then some placements for phone
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Thure Sander
1,067points to level up
Wanting to change my mind about myself so here I am. In Real Estate Germany 19 years old

Active 50m ago
Joined May 5, 2024
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