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Facilitator Club

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7 contributions to Facilitator Club
Let's talk about Icebreakers
Sometimes when people hear the word 'icebreaker' they cringe or might feel super anxious about taking part in one. Yes, icebreakers can make you feel a bit awkward initially, but they are proven to help enhance relationships and encourage creativity. 'Icebreakers can help increase team bonds, boost performance and creativity'—Harvard Business School study Integrating icebreakers into your workshops or meetings is a great way to get everyone relaxed and ready to participate. But how do you choose the right ones so that you avoid those dreaded awkward silences? Here are my Top 2 Icebreakers that are easy to implement (in-person or online): 1. My First Job Ask everyone in the group to write down their name, their first job, and what they learned from that job. Then go round the group and have everybody read theirs out. 2. Pointless Questions Prepare a few fun questions ahead of the workshop, then go round the room and have everybody take turns answering the questions. It’s as simple as that—you don’t even need to write anything down! Here are some question suggestions to get you started: - If you could invite a celebrity over for dinner, who would it be and why? - What is your most prized possession and why? - You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life. What do you choose? Here are some more icebreakers for you to explore! What's another great icebreaker that I can add to my list?
New comment Jan 9
2 likes • Mar '23
@Kerri Price 😊 Thank you. I am more apt to think of it now. It's kind of funny it doesn't come to mind. I'm a paper sculpturer, graphic design artist, and a creative. An artist, but I don't draw or think of it. Curious how the brain works🤔
4 likes • Jun '23
I've been using icebreakers that let people self identify their role on a ship Captain - You are the one in charge. You like being a leader and being at the helm. First Mate - You are a leader, but prefer to be a strong Number Two. Engineer - You know how the organization works and you are key to helping keep it running smooth. You don’t prefer being in top positions, but you understand how the whole organization works are are dedicated to helping others remember each of the parts need maintenance. Senior Deckhand - You are seasoned in your role and are a go to for people who are on deck. You are not a captain or first mate, but you are a go to person for the day to day activities. Cook - You like people to well-fed and cared for. You are nurturing and value the health and well being of your fellow crew mates. Your know your role is essential and you enjoy it. Deckhand - You are a worker. You enjoy just doing the work of the team, but don’t want to lead it. I talk about he value of each role and how our healthy teams need all of the roles to make the ship work at its best. At the end of the presentation, I remind them of the importance of each role in their team and emphasize that we value the input from each person and how they are help us create a strong crew. It has been a nice start and finish for me at the last couple of conferences and classes I have taught.
Start Strong - ?End Stronger?
I am doing a presentation at a conference next week and am having trouble being sure that I am ending strongly. What are some of your favorite ways to end strong when you will have VERY limited time. The whole presentation is an hour and I have built in several Q/As. There will be 50 in the meeting (much larger than I had anticipated.) So, any ideas on how to end stronger?
New comment Jan 16
1 like • May '23
@Salah Bouchma I used these steps.
2 likes • May '23
@Salah Bouchma It was GREAT!
The Facilitator as a Traffic Controller🚦
Lately, I've been mulling over different analogies to illustrate the Facilitator's role, particularly in the context of managing group dynamics. Here's an interesting one that struck me: Think of a group of people like a bustling city intersection. There are many different paths crossing each other, each with their own direction and speed. In this situation, it's easy for things to get chaotic or for some paths to get overshadowed by others. This is exactly what happens when people come together - there's a multitude of thoughts, ideas, and perspectives intersecting. People might have different viewpoints, some ideas might get side-lined, and quieter individuals might not get a chance to express their thoughts. It's like the louder cars drowning out the quieter ones or some paths being blocked by others. This is where a Facilitator steps in, acting like a traffic controller at this intersection. They ensure that each 'car' or person gets a fair chance to move forward, making sure everyone's ideas and voices are heard. They guide the 'traffic', or the conversation, to ensure that the team's discussions are effective and aimed towards achieving their goals. So, just like a traffic controller is crucial for smooth and fair traffic movement, a Facilitator is key to productive, inclusive, and goal-oriented group discussions. What do think of this analogy? I'd love to hear your own analogies or metaphors of the Facilitator's role in the comments!
New comment Jun '23
The Facilitator as a Traffic Controller🚦
3 likes • May '23
I like the traffic control example - I think that's a great metaphor.
First check🎉🎉🎉
I got my first consulting check ($5k)! It was super exciting to open that envelope and see my business name on it. 🎉🥳🎉 Second payment ($20k) is due after June 1. 😳😳 Thankful for all the support I've gotten as I launch.
New comment May '23
Higher Education, Public Health, Nonprofits and Fundraising
Long post: Looking for people using Workshopper in these fields. I'm launching my new business and have a background in public health, education and fundraising. The bulk of my fundraising is in grant writing, which is something that is much desired in my region. I do want to extend beyond my region, but have some great client potential as I transition. They WANT fundraising and a grant writing, which I want to support primarily through project development, collaboration and consulting. I don't want to write the grants for them, but with a strong project think that any group is better situated for finding. Often people find the a grant, make up a project and submit it without much planning or thought. I know that planning a project then finding a grant that fits the project is a much better approach for the organization and the project. Anyone else use workshopper in this way? Anyone else in education, public health or the nonprofit sectors?
New comment May '23
0 likes • May '23
@Todd Erler If you ever want to share ideas, I am happy to chat with you.
1-7 of 7
Sarah Barton
23points to level up
I love learning, sharing, and helping. I also enjoy paper crafting, digital design, writing, and hanging out with my favorite people.

Active 16d ago
Joined Mar 14, 2023
Parkersburg, WV, USA
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