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Dream Clients Club

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9 contributions to Dream Clients Club
🎧 Podcast Chat: ☎️ Creating Clients Through Real Conversations
Many business owners fear calling prospects because they don't want to come across like a telesales rep. 🙋‍♀️ And I'd be the first to put my hand up in this respect! As an introvert with shy tendencies, speaking on the phone always felt awkward. Until I learned to do it the right way - like a real human! We all value polite, friendly conversations. Especially when they help us make good decisions. And so I was excited to speak to Anthony Stears on the podcast this week. 🎓 He shared a complete masterclass on how to approach proactive sales calls with good manners and a service mindset. 💭 He even shared the exact words to use to ensure that the next person you call says 'Thank you' at the end of your conversation. If you've ever feared the phone ☎ or wanted to have more impactful conversations 🗣 this episode is for you! Listen here now: Creating Sales, One Conversation at a Time And let me know below: how you feel about speaking to prospects on the phone? What did you take away from my conversation with Anthony?
New comment Jun '24
🎧 Podcast Chat: ☎️  Creating Clients Through Real Conversations
1 like • Jun '24
Sounds like another doozy! Will listen whilst I have my lunch! Thank you! :)
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read 👀 )
Welcome to the Dream Clients Club! You are now entering a fun, supportive and safe space for entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants. It's the place to collaborate, share and support others as you grow your income and impact, and create a lifestyle you love (without burning out, feeling fake or compromising on your integrity!). Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE using this Copy/Paste Template: Where do you live? Share 3 things about you that we won't find on your bio? Where's your favourite place to hangout online? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? *** Best practices in this community: • Unlock training by commenting and posting your insights in the community. • Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. • When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and respond. • Add your profile picture. • Be generous and supportive always. • If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community. ------ ➡️ GROUP RULES: ❌ No Self Promotion ❌ No Selling in the DM's ❌ No Spamming the Community Feed Let's keep this a space where we all grow and enjoy hanging out. (If you discover someone who is breaking these rules, please notify me)
New comment 12d ago
2 likes • Mar '24
It's been a year (almost) since I commented on this thread, so I thought I'd re-introduce myself. Hi! I’m Sapna Pieroux, brand consultant, speaker and author of the award-winning, best-sellling book ‘Let’s Get Visible!’ I live in London but have clients all over the planet. Three things you won't find on my bio I can poledance My new hobby is singing I used to hang out with the stars in my previous media-career (Quentin Tarantino is the most famous!) My favourite place to hangout online? What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? I help busy and ambitious, thought leaders and game-changers (including @Melitta Campbell!) to get brand clarity, stand out and scale faster in just one day - so any introductions to people wanting to get more visible are always welcome!
1 like • Mar '24
@Mia Arrowsmith and you my lovely! Connect on linkedin? :)
Website Wednesday!
🤩 Let's all get to know each other a bit better. Tell us about your business and share your website link in the comments below 👇 I can't wait to hear more about your businesses 😃
New comment Apr '24
Website Wednesday!
4 likes • Mar '24
Hi! I’m Sapna Pieroux, brand consultant, speaker and author of the best-selling ‘Let’s Get Visible!’ Find me at Website I help busy and ambitious, thought leaders and game-changers (including @Melitta Campbell!) to get brand clarity, stand out and grow faster. How? My award-winning VISION Process® allows us to rebrand your business in just ONE day so if you want to get visible - let's chat!
1 like • Mar '24
@Melitta Campbell So wish I could 'heart' this! Thank you lovely lady - I also love the way you are acing your brand! 😍
Swap Your Skills for Google Reviews
In today's Value Session on setting up your Google Business Profile we looked at ways to get reviews for your page. To help you add more reviews to your profile, share an offer below that other Club members can take up in return for a Google review. This should be a small taster of what you do, so they can give you an accurate testimonial. For example, you could offer: - a 121 coaching session - access to a small online product or training - a copy of your book - a trial of your membership - access to your next webinar or event - etc. Share what you'd like to offer, and then contact anyone with something to offer that you would find relevant. Be sure to give them a review afterwards : ) And if you are enjoying this community and value sessions, I'd love it if you could leave a review on my Google Profile. You can do that here. TIA 😊 Missed the session? You'll find the replay in the Classroom tab here
New comment Feb '24
Swap Your Skills for Google Reviews
3 likes • Feb '24
What a great idea, Melitta! I'm happy to give a half-price POWER HOUR and a PDF copy of my book, 'Let's Get Visible!' (Business Book Awards 2020, Startup Inspiration), normal value £250+VAT - get STUFF done for your brand in this powerful hour - slidedecks, infographics, brand assessment, logo tweaks, flyer/simple brochure design, social assets, etc Alternatively, get your Visibility score here and a free copy of my book:
Quick Ways to Improve Web page Conversions
I created a quick video for you to share 3 things you can do to make your web and sales pages feel more human and engaging. Ultimately helping you attract more of the right clients. Have you tried any of these tips? How did they work out for you? Want more quick videos like this? Let me know!
New comment Sep '23
Quick Ways to Improve Web page Conversions
1 like • Sep '23
Great, simple and actionable tips, Melitta - thank you! Glad I've got most of that going on on the homepage - although I could probably shorten some of the sentences throughout the rest of my site! x
1-9 of 9
Sapna Pieroux
34points to level up
Sapna Pieroux, Brand Superhero! Multi-award-winning brand consultant, author, speaker. My super-power? Rebranding your business in just one day!

Active 153d ago
Joined Apr 27, 2023
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