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Passion to Profit with Tracy

Private • 11 • Free

Mastery in AI Marketing

Public • 97 • Free

Bijan’s Biz Studio 🖥️

Public • 191 • $19/m

The Spiritual Business Owners

Private • 1k • Free


Private • 134 • $22/m

Max Business School™

Public • 158.8k • Free

The Vibe Mindset

Private • 121 • Free


Public • 72 • Free

36 contributions to MAKEONCE FREE
How to Create a Successful Lead Magnet That Will Convert
In this video, I discuss the key steps to creating a successful lead magnet. I explain the importance of understanding the behind-the-scenes process and how it can impact your lead generation. I also share my favorite type of lead magnet and how it helps to build a connection with your audience. Throughout the video, I provide valuable insights and actionable advice to help you attract and convert leads. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your lead generation strategy! I'll see you inside the video, -Mike PS: I've got another video coming soon where I show you how to build a full online course in just 3 days or basically a long weekend. Let me know in the comments if you'd be interested in something like that. When I say created I mean all the slides, info, and published ready-to-sell course. A course that can change the financial course of your life. 🤙
New comment May 19
How to Create a Successful Lead Magnet That Will Convert
2 likes • May 19
And this is why your a legend. ❤️thank you
2 likes • May 19
What program do you brain dump on again? Pleas e
🏆 ⭐️ 💪 800 MEMBERS WHATTTTT!!! LFG!! You Rock
Thanks for being so awesome and being a great community asset. Let's all work together and make 2024 our best year yet! What's the goal you KNOW you will reach this year? Light up the comments!! Can we hit 900 by the end of May?
New comment May 13
🏆 ⭐️ 💪 800 MEMBERS WHATTTTT!!! LFG!! You Rock
1 like • May 11
Congratulations Mike you give so much value it’s only going up!
Discover Proven Strategies to Boost Your Online Earnings—My Exclusive Podcast Interview!
Exciting news! I recently had the pleasure of joining the Rehab To Riches Podcast to discuss innovative ways to enhance your online income. We delved into practical tips and personal insights that I’ve gathered over the years. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your online business, this episode is packed with valuable information. Click here to listen now and take your first step towards greater financial success! See you over there, Mike
New comment Apr 27
Discover Proven Strategies to Boost Your Online Earnings—My Exclusive Podcast Interview!
4 likes • Apr 23
@Mike Gowans you’re our skools is the same message and yet I don’t so what your saying because I still feel like I’m stuck between teaching people how to make money online and activating their passions to implement. I love so many things and have so many notes on it all but I don’t know how to organize myself. I’m at the point where I need to pay for my yearly aweber but skools is so much more organized yet I’m fearful of failing myself again due to lack of confidence on what I offer. You make it sound so easy because it is yet I can figure out where to begin in my circle of knowledge. I’ve been posting on TikTok and have a following that I want to nurture and help and serve. I want to lead then to skools . I have limited tech info but am way ahead of the many I’ve spoken to and can do this yet I am paralyzed by where to start even though you told me where . Your skools is so valuable in every way! I want to offer the same. Why can’t I get out of my head and just start? Did you ever feel this way
2 likes • Apr 23
@Amanda Smith 95% think the same and have limited beliefs and choose fear over trying to figure out tech. I’m aiming to be the 1% and it’s a total reprogramming of my entire being ;)
Did You See All The LIVE 🔴 Replays?
Couldn't make it live with me on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or X? I put all the replays here >
New comment Apr 13
Did You See All The LIVE 🔴 Replays?
1 like • Apr 13
Im so glad you save these ❤️
Can't Get Customers With Content or Going Live?
After years of failing with content marketing and spending $100k+ on training I discovered the following... Creating content or live-streaming you need to create with one of the 3 stages of the customer journey in mind first. No exception. You must move people through these stages. Below is an example of a content creation/live-streaming schedule 1. Awareness = Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2. Consideration = Tuesday, Thursday 3. Decision = Saturday, Sunday PLEASE ASK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CREATE content or live-stream which stage you're going to be creating for. Below is a description of the mindset, style, and approach for content at each stage. This isn't a good idea, theory, or hack it's a core principle and must-do. Like wheels on the car need to be present for it to work... Creating with these stages in mind must be present or people won't convert! Period. Remember 9 out of 10 posts or lives you are painting the picture, casting the vision, and providing value with a clear understanding of "because you gave me this value...what can I do now?" Pretend after everything you say they are saying... "And your point is?" "And why should I care?" "And what's in it for me?" "And how long does this take?" I promise if you get your head around this an make sure it's present BEFORE you create any content you'll convert so many more people to your list and into paying customers. People will be like damn I love your content... IT MAKES SENSE!! Here's those stages and styles: 🟥 Awareness Stage - Educational Videos and Posts: Create short, engaging videos or graphical posts that introduce common issues or topics relevant to your audience, aiming to educate without overtly selling. For example, quick tips, myth busters, or "Did You Know?" snippets that relate to your industry. - Ask questions related to your audience's interests and challenges, encouraging interaction and subtly guiding them to recognize their needs. 🟩 Consideration Stage - Comparison Content: Share content that compares different approaches to solving common problems, subtly highlighting the benefits of your solution. Ensure these are visually appealing and easy to understand at a glance.
New comment Apr 2
Can't Get Customers With Content or Going Live?
2 likes • Mar 30
@Amanda Smith your incredible and this niche is very necessary in the online space ❤️ your vision is so clear and admirable I love it!!
2 likes • Mar 30
Mike this is amazing!! Thank you
1-10 of 36
Sabrina Gordon
4points to level up
Helping moms rewires inner power and self worth to start an online business with aligned energy and sales

Active 21d ago
Joined Jan 27, 2024
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