Counterproductive? Maybe? Or Maybe Not.... I'm sure you have read books about manifestations and letting your subconscious do the work, allot of elite athletes claim they perform the best when they are 'not trying'. Just though't id share my experience. After absolutely grinding with outreach and getting through over 200 sales calls in 4 months and closing at around 5-10%, I had recently 'slowed down' and given myself a bit of rest. I still had a few calls come through and I have been a little bit lethargic with getting ready for them and even trying to take on clients however for some reason I am now having them chasing me up post sales call. Could this be just that the past 6 months of relentless prospecting is paying dividends? It feels as though the more I don't chase the sale or care about the outcome of the call the more clients I get... Give me your thoughts, fluke? or onto something?