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The X2 Group | Copy Consulting

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Royalty Rockstars

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LinkedIn For Breakfast

Private • 1.8k • Free

7 contributions to Royalty Rockstars
COMING SOON: Mojo Certified Rainmaker Directory
If you'd like a Mojo Certified Rainmaker to turn your email, group, direct mail, course, program, or other IP into a 5-figure or 6-figure cash windfall within 30 days (give or take)... I've carefully vetted and worked with a number of Mojo Approved and Certified Rainmakers. The Rainmakers in the directory (coming soon) have agreed to WAIVE typical upfront deposits. This means they ONLY get paid AFTER money hits your Stripe, Paypal or merchant account. It is truly pay-for-performance. Depending on your audience and offer... It is not unusual for us to turn audiences into $250,000 to $500,000 in sales in under 30 days. Then if that works out, hunky dory 😀 We can pile on another $500k to $1 million in a year for many companies. Would you like me to put you in touch with a Rainmaker before I get the directory done? 👉 Holler at me by DM on Skool Here Rooting for Ya, Travis
New comment 13d ago
COMING SOON: Mojo Certified Rainmaker Directory
2 likes • May 14
Great idea. Have sent you a DM
Looking for some guidance
Hey. This is probably going to come across like bragging or something That is not the intention. I flip houses for a living. Been doing it for nearly 20 years. Last week, I made about $400K on a property I owned for less than 2 months, and did nothing to but buy and resell. In my business, 6 figure paydays happen a few times a year. But not consistently enough and predictably enough. So, I am looking to do something, preferably NOT real estate related, that can bring in a recurring monthly income of $50K+ a month NET. This has been the goal for a while, but I've seen a lot of shiny objects, a lot of hype, a lot of noise, and very little on specifics. I sank good money and time into ventures that looked promising but didn't pan out. I have capital to deploy, I know a thing or two about marketing. What SPECIFICALLY would you recommend I do now to build the recurring monthly income? (Again, I prefer that it NOT be real estate related). Thanks for the input.
New comment Apr 19
0 likes • Apr 17
@Jason Buzi don't think he has one as such .If his supplement biz does have a web site I don't know it. He sells a course 😀on starting your own supplement biz
2 likes • Apr 19
@Daryl Thompson Lot of money in property investing education. I wrote the sales copy for UK's largest property education company. Jeez they made some bucks.
🔥 $7101 in the 1st 51 minutes of the 24 Hour Auction
I showed Rockstars how to run a 24-hour Social Auction. One fella got DOZENS of bids (aka buyer leads) and finished the auction at $3100...from his FB profile. 👉Another Rockstar just kicked off his auction less than 1 hour ago... He's got a bundle of bids/leads over $1k and the high bid is $6,500 in the first hour. ...from his personal profile. There is a mountain of leads, money, and future business in our groups, communities, and our own personal profiles... 😀A 24-hour auction is a hella fun way to unlock it all. It's in the classroom. Rooting For Ya, Travis PS He's at $7001 now at exactly 51 minutes in. PPS I showed the one fella the training yesterday afternoon and he had his auction going this morning. I predict he'll end with 100 leads and a winning bid of over $25,000. PPPS If you're having a hard time finding the auction training, watch this short Loom
Complete action
New comment Apr 23
3 likes • Apr 3
@Michal Kosalka
3 likes • Apr 3
@Michal Kosalka thanks you
does the content have to be proven license?
What I mean is ... I have a ton of content I've written, created, presented, sold to single buyers with a private license to rebrand as their own but no exclusivity. From workshops to presentations to articles/ebooks. Most can easily be changed to be "white labeled". Most are educational/informative and many can be used as part of a presentation/webinar/workshop or course.
New comment Apr 2
1 like • Apr 2
@Travis Sago Pure genius
Welcome Royalty Rockstar! Start Here!
Howdy Rockstar! I'm thrilled to see ya! If you're a course creator, coach, digital marketer or expert... With courses, books, digital programs or just valuable EXPERIENCE... I've discovered the best investment in the world is CONTENT I control and produce. Our goal here is to... 🥇Turn your courses, content and coaching experience into an investment portfolio that sends you royalty checks for life. We have a toolbox of tools to take your content and turn it into cash flow. One of our handiest tools is licensing. It's like the electric guitar in our rock band. New to licensing for royalties? No sweat. I'll walk you thru... You can turn your "old hit" courses, content, programs and any intellectual property into recurring royalties and more fans too! I'm rolling up my sleeves to share... ...the next level of financial leverage for coaches, course creators, consultants and true experts who want to UNCLOG their calendars, STOP trading their time for money and would love to: - Stack long-term and DEPENDABLE Recurring royalties - Generate Buyers Leads FREE! - Automate Sales and NEW customers around the world. - Reach Brand New Markets (without ads or more content creation) All by repurposing your content... ... and making it EASY for other businesses to license your hit content and IP you've already created and own! If there's a faster and easier way to bolt on 8 figures in royalties, I don't know what it is! Because... If we set it up correctly and choose the right licensees, our licensees do all (or most) of the selling for us. We get brand-new leads, customers and royalties like clockwork without the wheels coming off our business and lives. We often close 5- and 6-figure licensing deals in DMs in less than 15 minutes. I'd love to hear from you. Please introduce yourself! When you do, you unlock your first courses in the classroom... ===>Turn OLD COURSES into NEW MONEY
Complete action
New comment 12h ago
Welcome Royalty Rockstar! Start Here!
6 likes • Mar 31
hi I'm Mark a copywriter from the UK. Written across a load of different niches - real estate, health supplements, MMO, Dental, etc. Am I any good? Well one sales letter generated a brand new million pound/year business for the client selling a 5x day supplement for children. Another one generated £535,000 in one day selling an Amazon training course.....LOL.... think the interent is awash with copywriters. Trying to figure out which direction to go in right now.....Perhaps JV with any content creators. Any suggestions?
0 likes • Mar 31
@John McDermott Totally agree with you John
1-7 of 7
Mark Pocock
32points to level up
Helping business owners grow their business with higher converting sales copy. "107 sales. each sale was worth £5,000. it brought us £535,000" R.E.

Active 23h ago
Joined Mar 29, 2024
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