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Created by Liz


Private • 6 • Free

Helping overwhelmed online business owners to create systems with minimal tech


Grow With Evelyn

Private • 2.5k • $49/m


Public • 954 • Free


Private • 404 • $149/m

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

TaskMagic's Lazy Empire

Private • 695 • Free


Private • 283 • $77/m

6 contributions to MAKEONCE FREE
What did you do today to grow your business?
In the comments let us know how serious you are about your goal. 📋 Structure for comment (no bs either!): 1. My ONE major goal for 2024 is _________________ 2. My current situation is ________________ 3. My biggest challenge is _________________ 4. What I did to get closer to my goal _______________
New comment Mar 31
What did you do today to grow your business?
4 likes • Mar 29
@Mike Hicks 3 is a good start! They will come, just be consistent and patient!
1 like • Mar 29
@Amanda Smith we can build together 😊
Welcome to the community 👋
Hello! Welcome to The MAKEONCE (FREE) Community. This group aims to help you make money online by selling your advice. 👉 Let's get things started by introducing ourselves. Let's hear from you: 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you currently focusing your efforts, and what are you trying to build? Keep posting questions and helpful posts in the community, and you will unlock even more!! See you in the comments!
New comment 10d ago
Welcome to the community 👋
3 likes • Mar 25
@Jenna Ostrye Thanks lovely. I am able to balance working fulltime from home with homeschooling the kids, but its hard so I really want to create an income stream that allows me more time to focus on them. I do live calls in my freelancing role, so I am ok with it now but it is draining for me. I suppose the only thing I get stuck on is should I teach people everything or do you hold some back? I mean I could go live and teach people how to create systems, but if I do that for free what will I sell later. Maybe it will be covered in some of the videos, I will have a look :-)
1 like • Mar 29
@Amanda Smith welcome, I look forward to seeing your journey in here 🥳
Just 3 weeks!!!
I hit my first real milestone 🎉🎉 So much more fun and effective than funnels!!!
New comment Apr 14
Just 3 weeks!!!
1 like • Mar 28
great job! I'm sure its grown even bigger since this post!!
1 like • Mar 28
@Chuck Ellis Aren't we all LOL. As I get older, I realise its all about consistency not speed.
Skool Group
After finding Mike I started working on my Skool Group - first post on that group was 27 days ago. MRR is $5,220 a month and I’m about a month and some change in. Just want to make this post to thank Mike and to let everyone know it can be done. I’ve also got another 99 members on a free trial I’m about to charge them the $29 a month - I’m thinking at least 25-50 people will stay (hopefully much more). My goal for the end of the year is to have at least 500-650 members in the group. At this rate I can hopefully crush those numbers and maybe hit 1000+ members. We’ll see how life goes and what God wants to do. Haven’t build my offer yet for my coaching and courses, going to work on that soon and see where I go. Thanks again Mike and to God.
New comment Apr 14
Skool Group
1 like • Mar 28
@Chuck Ellis my issue is not fear, its time but I am committed! (I work fulltime and homeschool 2 kids) But I am trying to be consistent with daily YouTube videos now :-)
1 like • Mar 28
@Chuck Ellis Yes, I have been cutting out anything that I can :-) I have a $147 product and my goal is 137 sales per month so I need to master traffic! Have a lovely Easter!
Anyone know anyone who is an outdoor survival expert?
Outdoor survival/prepping is not yet on skool, and if you brought them to skool to build their community you could partner with them and they could use your affiliate link! There are a lot of survival/outdoor survival type, theme, pages, and influencers that have no idea what to upsell to their audience…
New comment Mar 28
1 like • Mar 28
There's heaps of them on youtube, reach out to some and see if they want to partner up with you :-)
1 like • Mar 28
@Bijan Izadi just be yourself and have a conversation with them about your idea - you've got this!
1-6 of 6
Liz Peck
37points to level up
I help frustrated, overwhelmed business owners to create systems that centralise all information & give them back more time and sanity.

Active 12d ago
Joined Mar 24, 2024
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