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Created by Jordan

Education Creators (Free)

Private • 5 • Free

Here's how I made $10.3M in course sales with an AI chat funnel by age 22.


Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free


Private • 729 • Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 61.8k • Free

5 contributions to Skool Community
Is it possible to pin a post to each individual board?
Pretty much what I asked above, can we pin instructions for each board / feed at the top? I seem to be able to only pin to the ALL board Thanks!
New comment Mar 19
1 like • Mar 18
This seems common sense and should be added. My Skool members want different pinned posts on different discussion topics, because it's more relevant. But right now it's limited to 3 pinned posts for all of Skool. Would be an easy change to provide a lot more value.
0 likes • Mar 19
@Ryan Collins Still have yellow on mine
New features: Action posts + Pin post to module
Sometimes you want your members to take action. For example: Introduce yourself and share a photo of your workspace, or... Play this song on the guitar and share a video of you doing it. Simple actions make your community more interactive and fun. Remember the ice bucket challenge? Action posts — Describe the action you want your members to complete. When somebody comments, the action will be marked as complete. Pinning posts to modules — Now you can pin posts to course modules to make them more practical and interactive. For example: Your first module could be "Welcome! Start here" and give a quick overview of how things work with a call to action at the end to introduce themself and share a photo. You can pin any post to a module, it doesn't have to be an action post. You could pin posts relevant to the module, or a post with the title: "Module XYZ - Questions/discussion here" and use it as a comments section. Your turn: Complete this action by telling us what you think?
Complete action
New comment 3d ago
New features: Action posts + Pin post to module
0 likes • Oct '23
Quick Calendar Question
On the left is how I setup the calendar in Skool On the right is how it shows for one of our Skool Course customers. Calls are supposed to be every Thursday. I think there's a disconnect between her days and dates in the calendar. Please help, so this doesn't enforce a refund. Thanks.
New comment Jan '23
Quick Calendar Question
0 likes • Jan '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe Mountain. And that would make sense, but the problem is the days are completely different. Unless that's pluto time, idk what that is.
0 likes • Jan '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe Done. Please check Skool Chat.
How would you describe Skool to a friend?
I want to know.
New comment Feb 5
2 likes • Jan '23
Facebook groups that don't suck
New features: "Drip" and "Course permissions"
Introducing two new features for courses: 1. Drip — Now you can drip course content to your members over time. When adding/editing a module, turn drip on, and enter the number of days you want to module to drip after. 2. Course permissions — Now you can give some of your members access to course A, but not course B. When adding/editing a course, set permissions to "All members have access" (default), or "Only some members have access". To give specific members access, find the member from the member's list, click the "..." menu, click "Manage access", and select the course from there. These were two of the most requested features we've had, so I hope you guys like them! Check it out and let us know what you think. Enjoy!
New comment May 26
New features: "Drip" and "Course permissions"
3 likes • Sep '22
This is incredible. But wish i could set drip for each set, instead of having to set drip for each module inside the set.
1-5 of 5
Jordan Schwann
11points to level up
I help educational content creators sell out their courses, without being a 'sellout'. $10.3M sold by age 22. ❤️ NC

Active 1d ago
Joined Sep 9, 2022
Calgary, Canada
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