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10 contributions to Men of Action: Forum
What's your biggest PROBLEM in terms of dating?
Mine was being a people pleaser, still have hints of it here and there but now it's under control What's yours and how are you working on it?
New comment Dec '24
What's your biggest PROBLEM in terms of dating?
I got asked this question recently and here's my thoughts 1) Remove ALL distractions in your room - Main one being your phone, Throw it outside your room. Make sure no notifications bug you, don't check social media on your computer. Once you get out of focus from a total separate task it takes time to get focused again (All the momentum lost). This is the main one, if there's no distraction then focus comes easier 2) Get bored - Before starting the class just sit on a chair for 5 minutes and do nothing, stare at a blank wall. Your mind doesn't want to be bored so it'll prefer listening to the online classes more than sitting down and doing nothing 3) Listen to some white noise - While you're in your lectures play some white noise from youtube and put it on the lowest volume you can. White noise can help you stay focused 4) Visual Focus follows Mental Focus - Before you start your lecture, pick a spot on the screen - Ex place the Adobe Icon on the middle of your desktop and stare at it for a minute. After doing this for a minute it primes your mind to be focused. (Your eyes are literally an extension of your brain) 5) Expect the beginning to suck - It takes some ramp up to get into deep focus so don't judge yourself in the beginning if it doesn't quite feel right. Expect it to suck for a bit and embrace it. Also thoughts and shit come up during the lecture so don't expect to be 100% focused the whole time, its okay to dip in and out of focus throughout the session. It's like a muscle and you'll get better at staying focused over time
New comment Oct '24
1 like • Oct '24
@Alphonso Cornelius Good stuff man! Yeah some people have it in them and some people need a little boredom... get that itch to go do something
0 likes • Oct '24
@Fernando Vasquez Hell yeah
How to handle Awkward Silence
I remember having this inner dialogue back in my younger days when awkward silence comes up on a date... Fck I'm losing her, Fck say something funny, Fck say something witty... Then I would try to pull stuff out my ass to keep it going and usually it goes downhill from there Funny thing is.. Silence wasn't even the problem Me thinking that silence was the problem is the problem Me overthinking the situation and changing my behavior to please, to not lose her, to entertain was the problem In addition.. When we judge silence as bad, it gives us a physiological response of anxiety and she can sense that shit.. The solution is embracing the silence.. Have nothing to say, just chill. Go look into distance and be aware of what's going on in your environment Feel the seat your sitting on, the left ass cheek that your leaning towards Relax into your senses... Inevitably she won't be able to handle the silence herself and she'll say something Let her break the silence for once Let her think of something funny Let her think of something witty And there's no need to label it as awkward From now on.. it's not awkward silence It's just silence I
New comment Oct '24
How to handle Awkward Silence
How to deal with the anxiety of approaching any woman?
Got this question recently and just wanted to share my thoughts Anxiety = Unpleasant state of inner turmoil and includes feelings of dread over anticipated events Key word there is anticipate - We anticipate the worst case scenario so our brain literally releases chemicals in our body that gives us that feeling of "anxiety" Tons of ways but lets approach it from three angles 1) Be present - Multiple ways to do it but one way is to focus on your Peripheral vision and feel he ground as you walk - Your mind can't call you a piece of shit and think of all the worst case scenarios and focus on your senses at the same time. Opposite of tunnel vision where we narrow our field of vision and we forget everything. 2) Work on your soft skills (humor, conversation, etc.) - If I take a basketball and I take a layup, I'm pretty confident that I'll get it in. Why? Because I've practiced it 100's of times. So practice not necessarily approaching women, but practice having fun conversations with PEOPLE in general. If you've practiced humor with your friends and social gatherings and you know you can hold a conversation, lead it to fun, and tease men and women. You'll have more confidence that you can do it with this random 5'1 blonde too 3) Stop judging anxiety as bad - It's literally just adrenaline surging through your body and an increase in heart rate. When you get excited, when you work out, you get the same feeling. Don't even label it anxiety, it's our perception of what it is that gives us more anxiety. Label it as excitement, label it as good for you. Cause when you get good at making other people feel good, it literally does become fun and exciting If you have follow up questions, I'm happy to help
New comment Oct '24
0 likes • Oct '24
@Axel Jackson Appreciate you appreciating
0 likes • Oct '24
@Anthony DiRico thanks man
Which One Is Better
Hi guys overall, which photo is better?
New comment Oct '24
Which One Is Better
0 likes • Oct '24
@Phil Dave Looks too overly edited in my opinion
1-10 of 10
Emmanuel Antalan
22points to level up
Just a big brother helping men overcome social anxiety and master social skills

Active 4d ago
Joined Sep 3, 2024
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