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Created by Dom

The DOMS Community

Private • 196 • Paid

An online health and fitness community where people with disabilities or chronic illnesses can hang out, learn, socialise and engage with each other.


Skool Community

Public • 116.4k • Paid

Online Coaches And Experts

Private • 2.3k • Free

31 contributions to Skool Community
Who Wants Churn Rate?
Suggestion for @Sam Ovens . The group currently shows members and churned members. A churn rate would be a nice addition to this panel so we don't have to do the maths ourselves.
New comment Jun 2
Who Wants Churn Rate?
2 likes • Aug '23
@Sam Ovens awesome.
2 likes • Jan 23
@Ben Minal depends on the timeline I guess. But using monthly as an example churned members during a particular month/number of members at the start of the month x 100.
Improve Pinch-Zoom on Mobile
Hey Skool Team! Are you working on better pinch-zoom functionality on mobile? Right now it’s janky as heck. I know you can click the “Download” button in the top right, but it’s an extra step. It would be great if you could just click on an image and simply pinch-zoom it right away. 🙌
New comment 5d ago
1 like • Dec '23
One more vote for this. It’s frustrating at the moment.
Who’s doing a paid group?
I’ve had a free group for existing clients for a while now, and they’re loving it. I’m considering adding a low cost funnel type group to grow a low ticket audience, and then upsell them to my paid programmes. Has anyone got any experience of something similar? How’s it going?
New comment Dec '23
Who’s doing a paid group?
Any advice welcome. I have always hosted my groups on FB and got great engagement. I am finding engagement in my courses on SKOOL great.. (I love it and so do they) however engagement in the community on Skool is not great. I don't want to take them back to FB for better communication. Eg I get notififed when they tag me there, I only seem to get this when I login to Skool.... I can't tag everyone in the group at once and can only email them every 72 hours.... and can't go live (all methods I usually use to connect with them all and connect them with each other) How is everyone else successfully getting group engagement in their Skool Community- I would love to improve this. thanks so much- J
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Shaun Michael so I just post the link to the zoom recording in the calendar tab to replace the original event. Then it’s hosted for 30 days after the live event. Takes a few seconds to action this after each zoom.
1 like • Nov '23
@Shaun Michael same 👍🏻
Getting cold DMs from other members of this group? Cool or not?
What are your thoughts on this? I have my own community on Skool and am a member of he Skool Community (this group) to keep up to date with Skool news and provide feedback/ask questions where necessary. I drive traffic to my Skool community using various means...Meta, Google, organic etc. I kinda feel like there should be an ethical code with members in this group that you don't cold DM other group members to try and sell them your coaching services. I didn't join Skool for coaching advice and if I did, I'd probably ask @Sam Ovens for that kind of thing 😉. Occasionally I see people sharing their systems and asking for interested parties to reach out for more info, which I welcome as they're generally adding value. I'm interested to hear what other think about this. Do you expect people to cold DM you in here?
New comment Nov '23
Getting cold DMs from other members of this group? Cool or not?
1-10 of 31
Dom Thorpe
53points to level up
DOMS Club creator, occasional six-pack haver, guy who's gonna help you get fit, and stay fit. Stick with me and I'll stick with you.

Active 10h ago
Joined Feb 1, 2022
London, Uk
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