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Duality Driven

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Peak energy and productivity for entrepreneurs.

Duality Mastery

Private • 8 • $50/m

Peak energy and productivity for entrepreneurs.

6 contributions to Synthesizer School
Show Me Your Best Chrome Extensions!
Here's mine: Click to Remove Element - Ultimate Tool for taking elements out of a website that you don’t like. Video Speed Controller - Control Video Speed on all Video and Much more than 2x Speed! Dark Reader DF Tube Unhook YouTube Adblock AdBlock Autoscroll - Only way I found to get to the bottom of someone’s YouTube Channel with 1k+ Videos For YouTubers… VidIQ Vision: For Sub Count and Views Per Hour
New comment Jan 15
0 likes • Jan 15
The fewer distractions I have the better it is. I only have: Adblock Newsfeed eradicator Loom Anything else would be distraction
How do you maximize your time?
I am launching several companies this year, and @Jordan Lee Mangan hit me with a great question. He asked: "What does your workflow look like?" This question made me take a step back, look at my life, and evaluate my time management. Time is the one finite thing we contend with each day. There is an overload of productivity people littering YouTube, and it is easy to go down a rabbit hole chasing the next great time management idea. I would be very interested in learning from this community what you are doing to manage your time in 2024.
New comment Jan 15
2 likes • Jan 15
Just watch this. All you have to do is to get awareness on how you're currently spending your time. For the next 7 days, monitor every 30 minutes what you just did. Regroup all the activities in specific blocks (client acquisition, client conversion, client solution, time wasted...) Adjust and re-iterate your real-world feedback.
Highest leverage activity to do at weekends?
Would love to hear what you high achievers and masters of productivity do to keep that momentum, stay disciplined and even get 1% better during the weekends! For some reason I always find myself being really productive during Mo-Thu, but as soon as Friday or Saturday starts I find myself binge watching Netflix shows until 3am and craving immediate gratifications. -Is it normal to have huge up and downs during the week? If yes, what is the highest leverage thing to do that still will get me 1% closer to my goals? -I sacrifice a lot right now(time with friends, dating, social media apps) so is there maybe a lack of socializing in my life that should be filled? -What do you guys enjoy doing during the weekends(day off, self care, reading and/or time with friends)? PS: My routine right now is I wake up and work on the most important task, go to the gym, breakfast, walk, work until I am physically not capable of doing more, dinner and go to bed between 10PM-12PM. PPS: I really don’t care about having a “balanced life” and just want to reach my goals for the upcoming years. What do you think about this approach?
New comment Jan 16
0 likes • Jan 15
Highest leverage activity to do at weekends? > Get out and unwind. Give your brain the chance to disconnect. Go in nature, do simple things and most importantly stay far from any screen. You will come back so much more productive and creative then. Is it normal to have huge up and downs during the week? > It's normal for you because you trained yourself to do that for years. All you have to do is to build a new habit. Most entrepreneurs plan their entire week but don't schedule anything during the weekend, so obviously they fall off the bike. I sacrifice a lot right now(time with friends, dating, social media apps) so is there maybe a lack of socializing in my life that should be filled? > How do you feel about it? If you feel good, don't change. But if you feel like you're missing out, then you must consider changing something. Reason is, if you feel like shit, you will trigger a negative feedback loop in your life. Meaning that how you feel = how you act = how you think
What did you achieve the past 14 days?
The New Year started two weeks ago, and most people have already quit. I'm sorry to tell you but if you think that starting a New Year, the Monk mode or 75 days hard will help you achieve your goals... You are severely mistaken. The reason is that you're externally oriented. You're looking for an external solution to solve your inner problems. The most common ones are: - Bad habits - Fear of failure - Procrastination - Imposter syndrome Champ, you must realize that all the answers are within. Think about all the things that are slowing you down mentally and emotionally... These are the BIGGEST levers you can pull to grow in your life and business. Because the truth is: Nothing will change until you change first. Nothing will change until you face your demons, look them DEAD in the eye, and fight with all your might. You have to KILL the old self in order to BIRTH the NEW. Here's the process that worked for me... The very first step is awareness. Because for now, you don't even realize how big the problem is. So for the next 7 days: 1. Sit down and look at the walls for an hour daily. 2. Use this document and monitor how you THINK, FEEL, and ACT. 3. Track how you spend your time every hour of the day in Google Calendar. Once you've done all this, you have real-world feedback on your own life. You can finally SAVE yourself from the desperation you're going through. The final step is to ask yourself: "Who am I becoming with these behaviors?" Reflect and make adjustments. Improve day after day, week after week, and change slowly but surely how you THINK, FEEL, and ACT. Observe yourself becoming the version of yourself that has already achieved your goals.
Feeling stuck? Do this
Today I woke up at 8 a.m. and really didn't feel like doing anything. I started some light work but after an hour or so I just found myself being unproductive. So I decided to watch Twin Flames on Netflix (which is a MASTERPIECE for anyone doing marketing) but I lost my focus after 30 minutes. Now it's 11 a.m. and I'm looking at the walls wondering what will I do of my second day of the year? Scrolling on social media? No fucking way. Sitting in my couch watching Netflix? No chance. What if I just get the f-ck out and go for a two hours run? No map, no music, just me running through the city. That sounds like a solid plan. My brain needs to relax, my body needs to expend energy. If I don't listen to myself, then I'm GUARANTEED to fall back into bad habits and laziness. On the opposite, if I go for a 20 km run, I know with CERTAINTY that my productivity and focus will return as soon as I get back. That's my message for today: if you're feeling stuck, just get the fck out. Happy new year to all of you champs.
New comment Jan 4
2 likes • Jan 2
@Callum Rylance Yes just run to the local store and buy some Jack Daniels
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Deyan Babic
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Helping entrepreneurs unlock peak energy and productivity for unstoppable growth.

Active 4m ago
Joined Feb 3, 2024
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