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Owned by David

Limitless Influence Community

Private • 308 • Free

Limitless Influence - Communicate, Connect, Collaborate


Skool Masterclass

Private • 1.2k • $150/m

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 91.3k • Free

The Skool Games

Private • 16k • Free

Les Synthétiseurs

Private • 146 • Free

Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 15.3k • Free

Content Academy

Public • 9.5k • Free

22 contributions to Skool Community
Skool payments is LIVE! And it's cheaper than Stripe
Now you can charge money for membership to your community! Skool replaces your landing page, order form, merchant account, and everything else — it does everything, end-to-end, seamlessly. You add a price, share a link, get members, and make money. Watch the video to see how it works. Questions? Check out this Skool payments FAQ. Enjoy 🎉
New comment Nov '24
Skool payments is LIVE! And it's cheaper than Stripe
2 likes • Aug '23
@Sam Ovens makes sense. And the is no extra fee on the payout then? Ex: payout is 10,000$ (after the transaction fees of 2.9%+0.30), all the 10k$ will arrive on my USD bank account? Correct? I am asking because it looks quite surprising that this Stripe payout option wouldn't charge you anything for the transfer
2 likes • Aug '23
@Sam Ovens thanks for the clarification you are awesome guys I love the pace you have with the updates of Skool. Very well done
Introducing "$1 Club" — the first paid community on skool
Introducing the first paid community on Skool — "$1 Club". Its purpose: To demonstrate the paid community experience. For $1 /month you'll get to: 1. See what it's like to subscribe to a paid community (as a member) 2. See what it's like to sell a paid community (as an admin) 3. Be first in line to use the payments system (for your own community) Click here to join $1 Club. We don't expect you to pay $1 /month ongoing. You can cancel your subscription at any time with 1-click. We're doing this as a live demonstration of our payments system. See you on the other side!
New comment Jan '24
Introducing "$1 Club" — the first paid community on skool
1 like • Aug '23
@Sam Ovens Great feature! Just tested the 1$ community it's super nice Questions: - What percentage does Skool take for each pament? Is it dependant on the amount (like Stripe for example)? - Is it possible to have paying and non paying members in the same Skool group? I didn't really understand that from the demo - Is there admin access to all the invoices/receipts sent to a customer?
Broadcast DM + "read"
1) It would be really useful to have the option to send a DM to multiple people, just like you can do it on WhatsApp or FB with a broadcast message. Going through the list 1 by 1 when I need to reach out to many members is super ineficient 2) Is there a plan to add something that allows us to know when members have read a message? Actually even a post? Skool being a new app, many people aren't used to it and it's a problem to not know if a message has been read @Sam Ovens @Sid Sahasrabuddhe
New comment Apr '24
Email Collection
Is there any other way to collect emails other than relying on membership questions? The majority of leads I have bypass the membership questions - I do have zapier integration for those who do fill it out. Would be great if there was a way to collect it as they sign up or when prompted to upload pic and bio so it couldn't be bypassed. Is there anything in the pipeline here or does anyone have any suggestions to help?
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe was there an answer to this really good and important question?
Setters in groups concerns
Just sharing a concern about people that cold DM on Skool ... I have no problem getting prospecting DMs from owners or admins of a group I am part of, that's absolutely normal that they leverage their leads. However recently I am getting A LOT of messages from people from groups that have nothing to do with the groups ... Just like the old cold DM fishing in other FB groups I really wish Skool finds a way to minimize that spammy behavior because that defeats the purpose of Skool (a plateform to learn without being distracted). Does anyone experienced the same? Any ideas how to prevent this from happening?
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
I see what you are saying, but that's a very bad solution in general in my opinion for 2 reasons: - I want to receive DMs from admins when I am part of a group, just not from the rest of the people - People that join my group won't necessarily see that option, and in the same way I won't be able to message them when needed (prospecting or not) It just messes up with the purpose of Skool ...
1-10 of 22
David Sekera
22points to level up
Physics Master of Science - EPFL & Stanford University Goalkeeper U18 National Swiss Soccer League 6y+ dating coach, 300+ men transformed

Active 2d ago
Joined Oct 18, 2022
Geneva, Switzerland
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