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1111 contributions to Skool Community
Hormozi's Advice For Those On $0/month
Transcript: "If you are not making money, tell people to hop on the phone with you. No matter how cheap your price is, so that you can sell them. If you're at $0, put your name in the chat right now. Right. So more than one of you. Okay. Now of the $0s, listen to me. Hop on the phone with people to sell them your community." Question: Do you hop on calls with potential customers?
New comment 1d ago
Hormozi's Advice For Those On $0/month
0 likes β€’ 1d
yes, but the big challenge for people will be "selling" them as to why they should get on the call with them! ...but seriously why would they get on a call with you? You need to make a bold calm as to why they should get on the call. What is the claim ie how will joining your community solve their problem? ...and in what time frame? "Get on a call with me, and in 10 mins I will show you how you can get abc within this time by joining my community (the mechanism)". ....or have a basic mini VSL that sells them after making the calm, ideally backed up with a testimony or two. mini video on loom, reading off a google doc: ...claim ...testimony ...steps on what you need to achieve result (educational value) ...features of vehicle to fast track steps (ie the community/mechanism) ...another testimony ...action plan ie step 1 join, 2. watch welcome. 3. access full action plan after they watch the mini VSL it results in - 1. they join or 2. they get on a call with you so you can "sell" them even more as to why they should join your community. ---- If you have their phone number, just call them lol, but have a script ready with the bold calm as the opening statement.
$1 down, 9 Million more to go
It’s on the way folks. πŸ’Έ My first skool dollar. @Bijan Izadi I made it lmao I’ve been on skool for a few months now, learning, observing, and seeing how others did things. Sadly I still hadn’t made $1 from skool until just a few minutes ago. It’s been a long time coming. I should have made this dollar months back but due to being dragged down by various circumstances, it didn’t happen. I never gave up and continued to push. A small win is still a win πŸ€™πŸ½ It ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done πŸ₯Š
New comment 14d ago
$1 down, 9 Million more to go
5 likes β€’ 22d
as Zac would say
Lexy is now a 7 πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! πŸ”₯
I was watching @Lexy Moore but your post blew up my plan πŸ˜‚ ❀️ Congratulations! πŸ₯³
New comment 23d ago
Lexy is now a 7 πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! πŸ”₯
1 like β€’ 23d
@Jon Myers why?
0 likes β€’ 23d
@Jon Myers still don’t see how that will move your business forward but be a distraction
can you create a free 30 day promo code
My creator is asking if we can give someone a free 30 day trail how do we do this
New comment 25d ago
1 like β€’ Jan 25
@Ben Curtis it would be a nice feature but not currently available unless you use a third party solution to manage membership outside of Skool. Hope this helps
0 likes β€’ 25d
@Lee Griffiths no idea mate
Has no one noticed it yet?
πŸ‘€ EDIT: It's not the fire emoji
New comment 24d ago
2 likes β€’ 25d
He is back at level 7 @Andrew Kirby
1-10 of 1,111
Danny Mallinder
3,977points to level up
Fractional Executive.

Active 7h ago
Joined Oct 15, 2020
New Zealand
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