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Men of Action Forum

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45 contributions to Men of Action Forum
Most of you are pussies
Respectfully, I don't mean this to insult anyone. Most of you are pussies seeking female validation. You want to improve your network and make money and all the rest to get women. That's a weak frame. Conquer yourself, harness discipline. Learn the game and practice it at a high level. As you do these things and become an excellent man, women are a side effect. Your goal should be to DOMINATE and excel, just BECAUSE ITS THE THING TO DO. Become the ultimate version of yourself. As a great man once said: "You hustling backwards if u chasing a bitch, stupid , chase the paper they come with the shit."
New comment 2d ago
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Respectfully? If you take away my reason for going to work and making money, sex, women, family, why do I go to work? To be great? At what? Working for someone else who make. More money than me? At what slaving away at a business? Making a lot of money? Let’s say I make all the money and still can’t talk to women, lift all these weights still have no game, great I have money for a brothel, what an empty, cold, soldiers life that is yeah I’m a pussy for trying to achieve what my grandfather and dad were, if I deny my urges and goals and needs then why did I read Dr. Robert Glovers No More Mr.Nice Guy? Because I am doing what he recommends and admitting why I strive why I go to work,
0 likes • 6d
@Sam Makhlouf Ah I see what’s the issue with my attitude?
The videos that teach you how to make money and be financially successful get no views however the ones that get the most views are the panel shows with women🤦🏿‍♂️
New comment 6d ago
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Yo what if you fuse the two? Have beautiful women teaching the finances? Would that fly?
What up guys I started a tech YouTube channel 1 year and a half an ago where I review mobile devices and tablets etc. what are some tips you guys have for a tech YouTube channel?
New comment 6d ago
2 likes • 6d
Hey man interaction with the audience is the golden ticket now a days. Podcasts are the new radio hosts, interact with your audience by having polls so they can vote on what products they wanna see, have live shows where you review something live and maybe even have a giveaway. Chiseldadonis is a comedian who lives with his parents and he’s given away Xbox Ones and PS4s to his audience for participating. If you want a really good example of dudes who have made a community around what they do? Double Toasted. Two movie reviewers who are real and talk about movies and tv, they have a studio, and even have live comedy reviews and segments every year just a group of good dudes critiquing movies and tv and being honest if it’s good or not, turned into a business.
More positive reinforcement for lifting
Grandma was a pro wrestling fan, in the days of Bruno Samartino, my old man and uncles were Ric Flair, NWA guys. I grew up in the 90s, it keeps me not just feeling young but I’m in the gym today pushing because it reminds us that men of all body types can be strong, and at any age. My dude AJ Styles, 46, in better shape than most of the young talent. Keep pushing boys
New comment 5d ago
Currently sitting in a mediation for divorce. Wife deserted home and took kids without a court order. Now I have to fight and pay big $$$ to get physical custody of my children or at least split physical custody. You’d think something bad (physical altercation, abuse, cheating, etc.) needs to occur for a spouse to up and leave, take your children from a comfortable home, and move with their parents. Nope, it just happens. And we (men) have to continue to be men of honor, of action, and provide for the needy and our children. Kind of sucks. I know there is no need for a future marriage at this age, but definitely want to experience the joys of life after this.
New comment 6d ago
1 like • 11d
I am sorry to hear about this man, as a single man, can I ask? I know you love your children but was marriage worth it? I’m 33 should I stop looking for a good woman anymore or should I just date and have fun? The cards are heavily stacked against us we know, thought I’d ask (know a lot of other single guys want to ask so I figured I’d bite the bullet, and get an opinion from someone who has more experience, thanks and I know your a good dad man, if you have sons I am sure they know that.
1 like • 6d
Hope you can get to the gym or dojo and work out some of the frustrations, sorry to hear this happened bro
1-10 of 45
Danny Jones
50points to level up
33, IT support engineer, drummer, guitarist,

Active 3d ago
Joined Mar 28, 2024
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