What is this?

Owned by Claudia

Content to Clients Community

Private • 755 • Free

A community that helps coaches and service providers find ease and consistency with their businesses online and create recurring revenue

High Ticket Membership Club

Private • 30 • $89/m

Learn how to scale your business online with 2 simple offer templates and achieve 5-6 figure MRR without a single sales call


Skool Community

Public • 201.7k • Paid

Community Builders - Free

Private • 3k • Free

Bijan’s Studio

Public • 322 • Free

Copywriting Secrets

Public • 730 • Free

122 contributions to Skool Community
Not sure if this has been answered anywhere, I searched but couldn't find the answer I want to give my free community a free trial pass for a week. Beside clicking on to the free trial at the back end how exactly do I give people access to my paid community and how do I know once the week is over? Once is over what do you do? Invite them back to your paid community Sorry might be an obvious pricess but I cant wrap my complicated brain around it LOL
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 4d
@Marcin Hakemer-Fernandez oohhh this is cool.Thanks so much for explaining it in such a simple manner 😄
I see most of other people emails from Skool ending in my spam inbox, so I assume my emails that I send to my members also end in the spam folder? Is there a way we can improve this?
New comment 10d ago
2 likes • 10d
@Derek Kolstad yeah lol obviously I do that as emails are our main revenue generators beside workshops and content
2 likes • 10d
@Paul Palmer yeah clearly as the only emails that I am relaying on is my own. A real shame they don't understand the importance of email nurturing...oh well... no weekly payments or emails = no point moving my other 3 communities in here
Refer a friend?
Hey everyone, I’m looking to put an offer in place for anyone who refers a friend to join my community. I’d like to give them a discount on that month’s subscription, or maybe offer something else as a thank you. Does skool offers something like this, but if that’s not possible what else do you think I could do to encourage referrals? Would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks so much!
New comment Dec '24
0 likes • Dec '24
I have a $100 a week community and for any referral I deduct the $50 a week and they pay only $50 a week during the duration of the new member
How I Transitioned From High Ticket Model to Membership
First of all I speak 4 languages and none of them well 😂, so apologies for my grammar, but I wanted to explain how I shifted from High Ticket to Membership this year. I still do DFY events for 20k but I am getting really picky who I take as a client. Last year was a bit of a wake up call for me as people started to have really unrealistic expectations when they couldn’t close their offer and I realised I should really only accept applications from experienced coaches not “Inexperienced coaches” I can’t tell you what a difference it makes. There is one thing I can’t do for the client during the launch and that is selling on their behalf. We can emcee it but people will buy from the seller eventually not me or my team. This year traditional virtual events methods are going to be tough. What used to work effortlessly is becoming increasingly difficult It's not just a bad few months of the year, it's just the way the economy works. If you went ahead and planned a $20k- 30k event and you ticked all the boxes with a sexy funnel and a cool ads campaign and made zero dollars by the time you opened your shopping cart…. Let me tell you ….You are not alone in this. I've been there and It's already been happening for my clients as well as myself, struggling to adapt, watching once-successful strategies fail. In fact we just wrapped up a 5-day challenge, achieving a phenomenal 65% application rate for a $40,000 coaching program. It was amazing and we were all happy with the outcome except the client called me and said that they barely closed 2 clients at the end. 90% of the applicant who said "I Am In” to the program got rejected from the funding company. That’s just 2 sales, and even they got to use financing…. All this even after a flawless Virtual Event we did for the client. It's hard out there, and the ability for new customers to get funding into high ticket programs is thinning out big time. Lenders are going down hard on coaches. The share holders are getting nervous.
New comment Nov '24
0 likes • Feb '24
@Joel Vazquez sorry to hear this @Sam Ovens any thoughst about bringing members in with a high ticket offer (s)?
1 like • Nov '24
@Nicolas Moy good luck with the transition
I Held An Auction
And since I never done one before I just stirred the boat to my best ability LOL..What could possibly go wrong right 😆 What I learned from it. I think Skool Auctions can be a cool thing. A little over 3 days ago, I ran what I call a 72-Hour Work With Me 1:1 Auction on Skool. The value was $8k and to be honest the focus for me was not to get the highest bidder but to engage with everyone that participated. It meant to me they were interested and while perhaps they couldn’t beat the highest bidder, I am sure I will have something for them to encourage them to step up to the next level. Highest bidders who won the price were clients (people that are already working with me) or customers (people that have purchased a workshop from me.) Around 10k collected so far. Unsure of post-auction sales as I am still talking to all the people that bid but didn’t win. I will give them something of value to redeem just to say thank you for participating and offer them to access one of my communities for free for 2 weeks and then if they choose to stay offer them an irresistible offer to stay long term. I held the event in my free community of just 0ver 600 members, not everyone is active in there but that’s OK. My members had got really into it. I had so much fun, too! I am not sure how would this work inside FB groups, Skool is WAY better at auction engagement because of better reach. I think the DM is so much easier on Skool also. When it comes to engagement and MAKING SALES. Skool will be my favourite place to host events like Auctions. Now one thing I noticed, the people that were bidding were either current clients or people that have purchased something little from me in the past like workshops. It just validated my theory that prospect in motion always in motion. Meaning once your clients are in proximity, they will most likely want to stay even closer to you. This was for sure my first one and didn't expect much, but it got me thinking about some level of collaboration with people with a large data base and share the profit perhaps.
New comment Nov '24
1 like • Nov '24
@Lauren Messina I certainly didn't invented it, a few people have run auctions in the past and I thought I would give it a go.
1-10 of 122
Claudia Karba
1,134points to level up
Business Consultant - teaching people how to launch their offer and sell it through a weekly membership style model. as a solo entrepreneur

Active 11h ago
Joined Mar 23, 2022
Sydney Australia
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