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197 contributions to ChatGPT Users
Consistent AI Images
Hi, I am interested in creating a set of short videos telling a children's stories. It will be a voice over with images. To make it consistent and fun I would like to keep the same "character" or "characters" in the images. I think there are some ways to do this with StabilityAI and plugins but I would like an excellent off the shelf solution if anyone has one.
New comment Apr 9
3 likes • Mar 16
It looks like Midjourney is starting to make it easier to get consistent characters. this is simpler than the Lora method... Now I just have to learn midjourney! @Ray Makara @Julie Helmer
1 like • Apr 9
@Zahida A Khan Sounds good any luck?
Summarization Prompt
Hi all I wrote this for Summarizing Youtube Videos but you can use it for whatever you like. You can use the first prompt to start loading in a document that is more than 3,000 words and then use the second to finish and get your summary. I wrote an article with all the details. (to get a transcript for a youtube video) Prompt 1 Please remember this data for later. Only respond, “OK” (Paste in the partial Transcript you only need this if your transcript is to long >3000 words or so) Prompt 2 Acting as an expert at creating concise but detailed summaries please use the content below and the content I asked you to you store in memory. I would like you to follow these steps. 1) Create a list of the most important topics found in the content. Send this to me as a response. 2) Using your generated topic list, focus on each topic and summarize all the data in the content about each of those topics separately. State each topic and create a bulleted list. Send me this list as a response. 3) Create a 2 column table with the left column marked as “Questions” and the right column marked as “Answers” use the topic list to and your summary to analyze the content for all relevant questions that are answered about the topics. Send me this spreadsheet as a response. (Paste in the Rest of The Transcript) Have fun! Testing this and getting it to work was a pain. It runs up against the 550 word limit for ChatGPT output a lot so you may run into that problem. If so take a smaller portion of your transcript or other content analyze it then do it for the next part. ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************************
New comment Apr 10
0 likes • Apr 9
@Mark Gomez Your very welcome
1 like • Apr 9
@Marlane Washington Your very welcome
(Updated) ChatGPT Prompt Tracker
(Hot off the PRESS!) The ChatGPT Prompt Tracker is a Google Sheets template (that I just created) to help you organize and manage ChatGPT prompts for your projects. Here's how to use it: 1. Create a Google Doc: For each prompt, make a Google Doc and paste the prompt, its output, and any important notes. 2. Copy the Google Doc link: Copy the link to the Google Doc you just created. 3. Open the ChatGPT Prompt Tracker: Go to the "ChatGPT Prompt Tracker" Google Sheets template. 4. Enter the project name: Fill in the project name in the provided tab. 5. Add prompts to the tracker: For each prompt, enter the following information: Prompt title, Prompt description, Source note, Google Doc link (from step 2) 6. Select the project phase: Choose the project's sprint phase: Initiate, Plan and Estimate, Implement, Review, or Release. 7. Rate the output quality: Use the dropdown menu to choose the quality of the prompt's output, from High to Low. By following these simple steps, you can easily manage and track ChatGPT prompts throughout your project using the ChatGPT Prompt Tracker. (Description written by ChatGPT. 😁) I just wanted to share this with you all. I hope it helps someone stay or get ChatGPT organized. (I'm getting buried with all of this great information that @Jason West is sharing in his ChatGPTSkool! )
New comment Feb 27
(Updated) ChatGPT Prompt Tracker
0 likes • Jan 31
The link is dead @Jb Benton
Best Keyword Research Plugin for Chat GPT?
Please share which Chat GPT plugin you think does the best job with keyword research so we don't need to use SEMRush, Ahrefs, or SEOdity. Thanks.
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
The ones I have tested are not great so far.
Using ChatGPT to locate and automatically post an article on Linkedin
Has anyone developed a prompt, that will locate a specified article of interest on the web, then take this article and automatically create an SEO intro, then post it on their LinkedIn account?
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
@David Klinkhamer Yes you could do it that way, I probably would use UBot studio (since I am familiar with it), you could also ask ChatGPT4 to help you write some Python code to make the calls, or perhaps use zapier.
1 like • Sep '23
@David Klinkhamer You probably need to define better what a "SEO Intro" is and if possible give it an example to follow. It will get the character count right better that way and give you more of what you are looking for.
1-10 of 197
Chris Chenault
80points to level up
I am a bio-physicist by training and an entrepreneur. I am currently writing a blog about ChatGPT,

Active 17d ago
Joined Mar 20, 2023
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