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Negative thinking and overthinking are signs of a well-functioning body-mind system.
🧠 The problem isn't that you have negative thoughts. For your system, they are a subtraction to what exists. 🌟 Like not having enough. You labelled it as negative thinking and bad because you were told to. 🔍 But in fact, it just is. And you might be stressed that what is “isn’t enough.” 💡 Yet it is. 💬 Many people would tell you to change this into positive thinking. and it works but is hard Which is great. 🔄 But that would mean that you go against the patterns that were created by a part of you. 🧘 The problem isn’t in the thinking; it’s the disconnection to your body and the signals it is sending you. If you feel good, you don’t have “bad” negative thinking. 🚫 Yet clearly, the habit of bad negative thinking will make you feel bad. 🌈 The best way to clear out negative thinking is by regulating your nervous system and finding out the root cause of your emotional state. 🎁 I’ve got a free hypnosis that will help you solve this. Just type “Board Room” in the comments, and it’s yours.
New comment 10h ago
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@Christopher Tierney what about just being honest with what's up? cultivating neutrality through meditation and accepting if what's happening is positive or negative towards your goals
0 likes • 10h
@Megulver Edhardt trust me hope for a big amount of money is worth it
🌟 It’s not a new technique that will change your life.
💡 Let’s be honest, the internet is showing you new ways of doing the same thing with different packages. And clearly, we need them when we don’t believe in mastering the basics. 🚀 What will take you to the next level won’t be the next big thing. It’s by going back to the basics and mastering them more than you spread your energy to the rest. 📅 Each year you’ll see videos and posts saying that’s what works in 202X. These are trends - like the colors of the new iPhones - yet Steve Jobs started the “one outfit for all” genre. The more we get busy with the little surface changes of trends, the less we go deep. 🔬 Dr. Eric Pearl, an expert in energy healing, spent his life learning and mastering the most energy healing techniques available. And he came to a conclusion: they’re all placebos to get you to self-heal by accessing your raw power. 💪 The energy that heals you is within you. You can do prayer, QHYP, NLP, XYZ, until you reach that energy, and its wisdom will clear you out from everything. The more people in a group reach that healing energy and focus it, the faster and easier the healing. 🎯 All the techniques we use are placebos. It might be a big claim, and yes, we can see the effect of some prayers and techniques energy healers use. They work because the goal of a placebo is to calm the ego that’s doubting, and they are necessary in difficult cases. 🧘‍♂️ If you can access it through silent meditation, you’re on a pro level. This means you can access it at any time when something comes up. It’s not 1% daily improvement but constant. 🛠️ If you can’t do silent meditation, do all 202X methods that are being invented and trademarked by the industry. Even though I’ve got a track record of silent meditation, I still teach other practices. That being said, I’ve got a free FB group in which I share all this knowledge in deeper ways, with sessions to optimize you and make you more efficient in your life, so you can focus on what makes your life great rather than being distracted by stuff.
🌟 It’s not a new technique that will change your life.
The best self-esteem boost I’ve ever had…
I met a new friend at a party and we started talking about his community and political views. 🌟 Suddenly, he started describing his ideal profile for a world leader, telling me the story of the achievements he would want to see happen from the perfect leader. As he was talking, memories started to pop up by themselves, creating a comparison with my life, the outline being shaped by his words. I could notice that I actually did most of the ventures mentioned, but not with the scale or the recognition he is giving to this ideal dream president. 💡 My self-awareness was gradually adjusting to make me see the good I’ve done, regardless of the pain I’m still ashamed of letting go. I felt my heart opening and filling me with compassion for the shadow I live in. And it gave me hope, as the characteristics that build my identity are the same as described by an expert in politics. It felt like the most authentic and healthy way to feel better about myself. Without knowing it, he was telling me that I’m on the right path to be elected as president. XD Even though I don't feel like running for it, I’ve always felt that being an entrepreneur is a political engagement with action rather than promises. ❤️ Type "love" in the comments and I’ll send you a video for better self-love.
My names Aidan, and here's my story
Hey everyone. 2.5 years ago I was in college, and working a full time 9-5. I was stuck but didn't have the will, skills, or knowledge to break free. And then I got an incurable disease. (Crohns) I lost 40lbs, my job, and dropped out of college to spend my days alternating between hospital visits and my bed. It was at that point, laying in a hospital bed, wondering "why the fuck is this happening to me?" that I decided to do something about my life. With some immense lifestyle changes (and some medication) I was able to recover and finally leave the hospital. 6 months later I had gained all the weight back in muscle and fully recovered! (Long painful story - see picture) It was at this point I was hit with a new choice... 1. Go back to college and my old 9-5... 2. Go all in on the creator economy based off of one Dan Koe video I saw while in the hospital I chose the latter. I realized that getting sick was a wakeup call, it was God telling me I was destined for more than a job and life I hated. For 6 months I didn't make a single dollar and went over $6k in debt on my credit card. I was despairing, ready to go back to my 9-5 and call this online game quits, but for some reason I decided to give myself one more month. "1 more month, if I can't monetize by then, I will go back to my old life" 14 days later I made my first $150! 30 days after that I made my first $1k! Now, I just hit my first $10k month in the online economy. All the pain, all the suffering, all the stress, uncertainty, and anxiety was worth it. Anyways, This was my take on an introduction post. If you read this far thank you! And I am looking forward to getting to know you all a little better inside here! - Aidan LaBreche
New comment 3d ago
My names Aidan, and here's my story
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congrats man, love your story
caught in 4k
People overcomplicate “authority building” on skool. If you're tired of the same growth hacks, these 3 habits will get you closer to your personal brand goals: 1. Focus on REAL, not just RICH Here's the thing: We all smell BS. (Even through our screens.) Instead of trying to be some polished "Goo-'Roo", just be... you. “But, I'm not funny or interesting!” hey, It's OK... You've got stories. Opinions. You've got a unique way of seeing the world. You just need to learn how to own into it. 2. Build a cult, not a "community" Stop racking up members like Pokemon. Focus on making people feel something... Anything. Like my mother used to say... The people who love you... will REALLY love you. The rest? Who cares! 3. Make an impact and Build relationships. Say you throwing a party. Good music, lot of hot chicks and no drugs lol... But nobody talks to each other. It's Boring, right? So, dance! Get people talking in the comments. Have a question of the day... when someone comes in and says hi... ask them that question Be the center of attention, not the weirdo in the corner. 4. Create something we can actually use Read a post and think, "My God, I just wasted 60 seconds of my life"? Don't be that. Share helpful content, we can immediately apply. An easy-to-follow Skool framework to do this daily: Choose your weapon: – Story (people love a good drama) – Infographic – Case study (prove you know your stuff) Introduce a REAL problem: – What keeps your people up? – How can you make their life easier? Break down the solution: – No fluff – Imagine you're explaining it to your son Engage like a human: • Spend 60 minutes actually talking to people (build your community) • Crazy idea: Be genuinely interested in others Repeat: • Consistency is key (but hey, you didn't hear that from me) Look, building authority isn't just about posting content. It's about showing up, providing real value, and actually giving a damn about the people you're connecting with.
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New comment 5d ago
caught in 4k
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love you take on how to builld authority by being yourself, nothing more confident than acknowledging that your life experience is valuable
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Hi I'm Asha, a master hypnotist

Active 10h ago
Joined Nov 9, 2023
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