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Free sauceee πŸ’―πŸ”₯
Yo guys, I’ve been in this community for a bit now and I really like it. Shoutout to for making it so cool here. My name is Arda and after trying many β€œbusiness models”, I found out that building funnels is the one for me. Thinking about making a process that gets people from viewers to high-ticket product buyers really makes me excited. To give back to the community, here’s a pdf with the 17 funnels that work best for Skool communities:
New comment 14h ago
Hello Fam.
Hello great men and woman in the house my name is Paul I just got accepted into the group hope am welcomed??
New comment 21h ago
My names Aidan, and here's my story
Hey everyone. 2.5 years ago I was in college, and working a full time 9-5. I was stuck but didn't have the will, skills, or knowledge to break free. And then I got an incurable disease. (Crohns) I lost 40lbs, my job, and dropped out of college to spend my days alternating between hospital visits and my bed. It was at that point, laying in a hospital bed, wondering "why the fuck is this happening to me?" that I decided to do something about my life. With some immense lifestyle changes (and some medication) I was able to recover and finally leave the hospital. 6 months later I had gained all the weight back in muscle and fully recovered! (Long painful story - see picture) It was at this point I was hit with a new choice... 1. Go back to college and my old 9-5... 2. Go all in on the creator economy based off of one Dan Koe video I saw while in the hospital I chose the latter. I realized that getting sick was a wakeup call, it was God telling me I was destined for more than a job and life I hated. For 6 months I didn't make a single dollar and went over $6k in debt on my credit card. I was despairing, ready to go back to my 9-5 and call this online game quits, but for some reason I decided to give myself one more month. "1 more month, if I can't monetize by then, I will go back to my old life" 14 days later I made my first $150! 30 days after that I made my first $1k! Now, I just hit my first $10k month in the online economy. All the pain, all the suffering, all the stress, uncertainty, and anxiety was worth it. Anyways, This was my take on an introduction post. If you read this far thank you! And I am looking forward to getting to know you all a little better inside here! - Aidan LaBreche
New comment 3d ago
My names Aidan, and here's my story
Hi am David - Best Copywriter in the multiverse...
I've been here sometime and I realised I haven't done an an intro so here we go... Hi there, I'm David, and I'm the best copywriter in the multiverse. Period... Don't believe me? Just ask my puppy. He's very loyal to me. But okay, Here's why you should work with me: - I write copy that sells like cupcakes. And who doesn't love cupcakes? They're sweet, fluffy, and delicious. Just like my copy. - I write copy that's fun, engaging, and irresistible. I use humor, storytelling, and psychology to hook your readers and keep them hooked until the end. Or until they get distracted by a squirrel. - I write copy that's original, creative, and unique. I don't use templates, formulas, or clichΓ©s. I write from scratch and tailor my copy to your brand, audience, and goals. And sometimes to my mood swings. - I write copy that's proven and tested. I have a track record of success with some of the biggest names in the industry. Just ask me for some samples and testimonials and I'll show you. Or make them up on the spot. So what are you waiting for? Hire me today and get ready to see your sales skyrocket. Or don't hire me and watch your competitors laugh all the way to the bank. The choice is yours. But seriously, hire me.βœ‰οΈ
New comment 3d ago
Introduction - Thomas πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
Hi All! My name is Thomas, and I’m brand new to the Contentpreneurship Community. I’m starting my first Skool Community called Mind, Money, Matters with my good friend Jemma Jacque. Jemma has been working in corporate marketing for the last 20+ years, and in the last 10 years has made her foray in to real estate. Mind, Money, Matter is all about leveling up in life to achieve financial freedom and live the life of our dreams. We explore the mindset it takes to overcome mental hurdles and show step by step how to get started investing in real estate, which is surprisingly simpler once you have the ground work laid out for you and can see other people doing it as well. Come check us out -
New comment 3d ago
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