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Synthesizer School

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18 contributions to Synthesizer School
Early access to Naval Ravikant's new app
Naval Ravikant has released a new social media app. It's clubhouse, but a-sync. Kind of like Whatsapp voice messages in a group chat. It's an opportunity on a new platform to grow an audience. An opportunity to get cutting edge insights on fascinating topics like AI, the future of work, and philosophy. And an opportunity to make connections with people normally impossible to access. I've been given access to five single-use codes to invite people to the app. And I've decided to give access to the top 5 people on the leaderboard access. Check DMs. @Corey Bennett Boardman @Fedor Favorsky @Owen Sheasby @Benedek Santa @Shivam Jha Drop a GIF if one of these people has added value to you in one way to show appreciation. I will give access to more people as soon as I can! PS: Long-time no speak. I've been busy. Working hard. Learning lots. Will share at some point. Hope you're well.
New comment May '23
5 likes • May '23
@Benedek Santa @Corey Bennett Boardman
Programs for editing
Hey guys, do you know how to download Adobe Premiere Pro for free? Do you know other good and free programs for editing videos?
New comment Mar '23
2 likes • Feb '23
Nice, thanks guys 👍
How I became Andrew Kirby's video editor and started a business
okay, so after a long break from synthesizer skool I'm back, the group became a little bit too big, which is why I haven't posted lately. So I publicly document my journey of becoming financially free, and I feel like lately, I hit another milestone, I realized, that I should monetize the skills I already have, and because I have 8 yrs of experience in video editing, I just decided to start freelancing, and because I built out a few connections here on skool on November 2022 I got a message from @Wiktor Romanowicz about working for a Synthesizer University client, I was happy to get the job because in the last half year, I haven't made any money and it caused me a lot of stress. I finally started to make some good money, and after working for the SU client for a month and because they loved my edit, I got an opportunity to edit for Andrew Kirby, honestly, I was the happiest person on earth when I heard this because this was a dream becoming a reality in real time, it felt unreal... (2.5 months later) but life has ups and downs and I got another challenge from the universe to test my character: I was just about to prepare the last stuff so I can travel to Bali and meet with Andrew when the unexpected happened, I got a message to get on a call because Andrew and Wiktor wants to talk with me, I already knew what this meant and I stressed so much, that it probably even caused my fever that lasted a week, finally, I got on a call and Wiktor informed me, that the direction of the company is changing, and I will no longer work here full time, I was so sick at that time, that I even had a hard time talking, and I just got scammed for 500usd that day, you can imagine how I felt at that moment, from the top completely rock bottom under few days. But I was listening to a lot of stoicism videos to get me thru this time and I asked myself the question: How can this be the best thing that happened to me?
New comment Mar '23
2 likes • Feb '23
@Benedek Santa
WARNING: This post will make you powerful 🚨 Avoid The Progress Trap
EDIT: I turned this into a YouTube video: WARNING: This post will increase your ability to make your dreams become reality. This is a belief that helped me go from a procrastinator to financially free in just four years. In exchange for this increase in power, this belief may decrease your happiness. It did for me. If this is not an exchange you're willing to make, I suggest you don't read on. You have been warned. Let me start by asking a couple questions: Over the past year, have you made some progress towards your goals? Have you improved your life in some way? Most will answer with yes. Feels good, right? You probably have this belief: "if I progress/practice/improve a little bit everyday, eventually I'll get what I want." Makes logical sense, right? But how long are you willing to wait? 5 years? 50 years? What if 60 years go by. You're on your deathbed. You sit, patiently waiting to get what you want, knowing you have spent your whole life improving. When suddenly the sickening realisation hits you... You've ran out of time. Here's the truth: Progress is a Means to an End. It is something that needs to happen in order for you to get what you want. But in a human's desperation to get what they want, when they hear "if you keep making progress, you'll get what you want", they latch onto 'Progress'. What used to be a Means to an End becomes the new End. They forget about what they truly want, so at the end of the day, if they have made Progress, they feel satisfied. But they are left without what they want. I see a few problems with this. First, you may be making progress, but are you progressing enough to get what you want? Arnold wants to become a bodybuilder. Arnold goes to the gym. Arnold does one set of bench press. He has made progress. Feeling proud of his progress, Arnold leaves the gym. Progress has been made, but has ENOUGH been made? Second, you may be making progress, but what if it's in the wrong areas? Jimmy wants to become the biggest YouTuber. He understands that better camera means better video. Jimmy spends months researching what's the best camera to use. Each day he makes progress towards figuring out the ultimate camera. He is making progress. But is he making progress in the very precise set of things he needs to be making progress on to reach his goal?
New comment Jan '23
3 likes • Jan '23
positive emotions are vital, they push us, they let us to move from point A to point B. it's improtant to feel them. maybe we should be aware of positive emotions and progress but stop caring about them. very insightful post, it nails the truth 💙
How do you apply Andrew's content?
I often come across a post called What do you feel when consuming my content? Feelings are great, they constitute a large part of human experience. However, feelings are NOT actions. Feelings don't necessarily lead to actions. I am curious what are the top lessons you've learned from Andrew and how you use them to make your life better. My favorite is: Don't learn then start. Start then learn. I apply it in every area of my life and the results are great. It eliminates impostor syndrome for good, leads to discoveries and makes me a braver and more responsible individual. What about yours?
New comment Jan '23
6 likes • Jan '23
besides recognizing that you have the potential to achieve goals, take action think for yourself use your time wisely, time is everything… every effect has its cause, and every cause has its effect... the more wisdom you gain, the more powerful you get and easier and quicker you're able to achieve your goals. read with understanding write. writing is thinking define a problem ... and others these lessons helped me to improve every area of my life 💛
1-10 of 18
Ana Zdravkovic
86points to level up
medical student, running, gym, synthesizer

Active 45d ago
Joined Nov 29, 2021
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