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Facilitator Club

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23 contributions to Facilitator Club
Building my website / Help with inspo:)
Hi there!! I'm in the (exciting) process of building my website. In order to articulate what my expectation are, I need to send over some references. What I like in terms of (my examples in brakets): - structure ( - design ( - colours & animation ( Please share your faves, I really need the inspiration:) It can be something out of the facilitation world! Thank yoooou
New comment Nov '23
2 likes ā€¢ Oct '23
Just found something really cool in terms of colours, design, structure:
1 like ā€¢ Nov '23
@Dan Roberts I would recommend listening to this:)
Mei and the butterfly // A story about facilitationā€¦
Just the other day, I read my son a bedtime story called "Mei and the Butterfly." Mei really wanted a pet, and one day, she found a cocoon with a small butterfly inside. The mere thought of the beautiful butterfly emerging filled Mei's heart with happiness. After a while, the butterfly began to struggle to break free from the cocoon. Seeing its struggle, Mei cut the cocoon with scissors in an attempt to help. However, the small creature's wings weren't quite strong enough to fly just yet. During my workshops, I sometimes feel the urge to "cut the cocoon," particularly during the ideation phase. I see exciting solutions for the challenges we're addressing and want to grab a sharpie and start jotting down ideas on post-its. However, I resist this temptation. Just like Mei, I've learned the hard way that pushing people too much before they're ready only leads to frustration. Participants get excited about ideas during the workshop, but once it's over, the reality sets in, and they realise they can't implement them. Note to self: Meet your participants where they're at. If a seemingly "basic" idea like implementing a weekly status update arises in a team collaboration session, consider it an indicator that it's what they need and are prepared for. Don't dismiss it just because it may not seem "groundbreaking."
New comment Oct '23
How to facilitate solo a 150-200 pers 4 h workshop?:)
Hi guys! I really need your help:) Thank to my outstanding content strategy on LinkedIn:))) I got a client that asked me to run a 4 h session (focused on collaboration, team building etc) for 150 - 200 ppl (I don't know the exact number just yet). What format / exercises do you suggest that I could easily facilitate on my own? More context: these are people from all over the country, with different management / collaboration styles (it's more of a franchise model) so the annual meeting is about getting them on the same page, making them feel like a team. Thank you sooo much:)
New comment Oct '23
4 likes ā€¢ Sep '23
@Rebecca Courtney I already sent out the proposal and... it was exactly how you would have done it;) I put the pieces together from all the great advice I got here and I will be running an LDJ, tables of 10 (15 tables) with volunteers co-facilitators that I will be training prior to the workshop. Also, I will have a graphic facilitator to "capture: the entire day, I'll keep you all posted:)
8 likes ā€¢ Oct '23
@Rebecca Courtney , @Jakub Michalski , @Ren Yee Quek , I did it! LDJ, 15 teams, 10 people, one co-facilitator at each table (did video trainings for them), a graphic facilitator that captured it all:) It was AMAZING. Super smooth, I did not feel like a (bad) school teacher:)), did not have to "keep them quiet", great feedback! Thank you so much, guys, for your support! Hugs!
Facilitative Leadership / Resources
Hi there! As I noticed that there is interest in the community about this topic, I would love to create a thread dedicated to great resources about Facilitative Leadership. I'll go first: Douglas Ferguson: Who's next?:)
New comment Sep '23
Facilitative Leadership / Resources
1 like ā€¢ Sep '23
@Keith Wasserman Love this! It's a goldie:) as it reflects exactly how facilitative leadership looks like in action
How to manage an LDJ with a large group?
Watched Jonathan's "1 Hour Innovation Workshop - Lightning Decision Jam" on YouTube and was going to try to implement it tomorrow, as I have a team offsite with 36 members, a team that I inherited a few weeks ago. Was going to try to run an LDJ to address a general feeling that team members are disconnected with each other and other partners, working in silos. Was going to try 6 tables of 6. However, question is that do we start with "one" HMW, such as "How might we increase collaboration within the team and with partners/stakeholders?" Do we all work independently/jointly on the same HMW? On different HMW statements?
New comment Feb 14
1 like ā€¢ Sep '23
@Adrian Tuazon-McCheyne Thank you for taking the time to write this. I might get a process facilitator - that would go table to table and address any issues. I'm thinking that if a train volunteers ahead of time (one per each table) and give out written instruction (letter type) we should be fine. I have 4 h in total so it's great, time wise. I'll let you know how it turns out:)
0 likes ā€¢ Sep '23
@Claus Hƶfele This is a great suggestion, thank you!
1-10 of 23
Alina Balan
52points to level up
I am Facilitator & Workshop Designer (ex Marketer). My journey started 5 years ago when I got a taste of Design Thinking. Never looked back:)

Active 180d ago
Joined Jun 19, 2023
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