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Facilitator Club

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6 contributions to Facilitator Club
First (partial) Lightning Decision Jam
Hello all, I wanted to share my 🙌 first workshop experience. 🤓 A while ago, I have organised a mini Lightning Decision Jam with the sailboat, dot voting and brainstorm (10 for 10) exercises. After weeks of learning but also hesitation, I have finally took the courage to organize a collaborative workshop instead of a standard stale meeting. The challenge was to see how we could collaborate better using the current task management tool we are using. But to be honest the workshop was just more than just that... I wanted to try for myself some facilitation and wanted to see how my direct team colleagues were willing to experience such a new way of organising meetings. 🤓 What I have learned 👨‍🎓 : - More prep time and no meetings following directly this workshop = less rushing or stress. Not having all the pens, sticky notes, etc. at hand, not having written the workshop principles or drawn the boat before hand... made the start of the workshop somewhat rushed or disordered. Even so that the workshop had to be continued later on due to another meeting which followed the first session immediately. However, the final result was satisfying which made forget all the bumps at the start. - People are remarkably collaborative if the direction where we are heading is clear. I was lucky by having a group of people working together, alone without personal drawbacks or hesitation. There was not someone more vocal or reluctant in this group. - Exercises can easily be adapted on the fly. The group did not generate as much ideas as expected during the brainstorm session. So I have decided just to use all the ideas so that we could vote on them. During this exercise I have noticed the power of the facilitator to ease the progress and to move forward instead of focusing on details. What I would change for a next workshop 👨‍🏭 : - Be more confident. With some prep time before a workshop, it would be easier to warm up the group and start the workshop - Think less about the challenge to work with and trust the participants more for their own input.
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@David Rovira it sure is!
Facilitating a workshop for co-workers. My first time and main takeaway.
I recently finished FF (it took ages, because of health issues) and held my first workshop (hooray). I am so happy and proud. Reading a post by @Jérôme Bertrem about his upcoming first workshop made me think of sharing my first workshop experience and I am also writing this to reflect. Maybe it'll be helpful to other beginners. ✔️🎁✔️My main takeaway (if you don't have time for a novel): Fail and fix. This basic attitude to all communication also applies to workshop facilitation. Yes, I have forgotten to mention things. Yes, I could have been clearer. But I managed to fix it. Would it have been better if I hadn't forgotten? Possibly. But: It doesn't have to be perfect to be better than most meetings. So even as a beginner, I can make a difference. And: workshop facilitation is FUN! ✔️🏁✔️If you are interested in the rest: I am the head of marketing in my company and I want to make meetings better. Mostly for myself 😅, but also the team and the company. It was a cross-departmental workshop and I came out feeling energised and happy. Which was great, as I went in feeling quite stressed because it was also the first time I had used Miro, and I was a bit uncomfortable taking on this different role amongst my colleagues. But all in all it went really well. ✔️👷‍♀️✔️The workshop: The topic was gathering information for a persona project we were starting. We wanted to gather input and questions from all departments so that we could put together a representative catalogue of questions to ask and assumptions to prove or disprove. With 8 participants and the remote location, the group was a bit bigger than I would have liked for my first time. I spent ages thinking about the structure, the topics to cover and preparing the (huge) board (see screenshot), but it was fun and well worth it. I'd set up an agenda, a playground, a workspace for each participant, a space for everyone to put their top 3 sticky notes from each category, an effort/impact matrix and a parking space. The 🎵 playlist I had made during FF came in handy. I had recorded and sent out a Loom beforehand (also a first), showing the basic functions and introducing the Miro playground, as most of the participants were new to Miro.
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
@Eva-Maria Maywald what a delight to read this! 🤩 Even though you had some bumps in the road, it looks like you are really enthousiastic about your first workshop. You took your time to prepare your workshop, were able to creatively counter issues during the workshop to go forward and you take your time as well to reflect. It looks like you have embarked on a exciting facilitation journey! So keep going! 🎉
Facilitation as a side job
Hi all! Since this is a community to support facilitator(s) (freelancers), I was wondering if some of you combine your facilitation skills with another job or function. This just can be anything really! 😊 And if so, what are your experiences with this combination? Is it sometimes tricky to be a facilitator and simultaneously an executor of actions discussed during facilictated sessions? To give more context, I am currently working as a webmaster for a Marketing team while having finished a web design course. At own initiative, I want to introduce workshops to ease meetings, have clear goals and actions. But I might be biased as a executor to be the facilitator as well.
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
Thank you @Eva-Maria Maywald for sharing your first workshop experience! It seems also quite a challenge to use your freshly acquired facilitation skills in a larger interdepartemental workshop. 👍 So you've must have learned a lot! Reading your experience, inspires me to just go for it, learn along the way and not be constrained by the might-be risks of running a workshop for the first time.
1 like • Jul '23
@David Newman I understand your point here. It is not about the job title as such but more about keeping a neutral position during a workshop (as a facilitator role) in which you could actually actively take part in (as a participant). If this distinction is not clear for other participants, the workshop might feel less open, equally based or engaging as it should be. By extension, I think everyone can take advantages from facilitation skills for at least developing a different mindset about collaboration. 😊
📣 Join me in a Live Training Session this Wednesday!!
Helllooo Facilitators 👋 Join me for a LIVE training session this Wednesday, July 5th @6:30PM CEST. In this invite-only training, you’ll learn how to run one of AJ&Smart’s favorite retrospective workshop exercises, the Sailboat! ⛵️ The Sailboat is a powerful, retrospective technique that enables teams to reflect on their journey, identify what’s been anchoring them down, and set a course for smoother sailing. In this value-packed session, you’ll learn... ⛵️ ⛵️ How to facilitate a successful Sailboat exercise ⛵️ Identifying the forces that propel your project/team forward ⛵️ Recognizing the barriers holding you back ⛵️ Setting strategies for your team to reach their goals ⛵️ Practical tips and tools for facilitating the session Sooooo, mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 5th, at 6:30 pm CEST (Berlin time) and join me for this free live training. PLUS, there'll be a Q&A session at the end, so you'll have an opportunity to get your questions answered and receive personalized advice! Secure your spot by signing up. Spaces are limited, so I'd recommend signing up soon to make sure you don't miss out! Here's the link to sign up:
New comment Jul '23
0 likes • Jul '23
@Trevor Wood I was asking myself the same question. 😊
How to create space for discussion or exchanging ideas in workshops?
The goal of all kind of workshops is straightforward: generate, decide, prioritize and test challenges, ideas and concepts all within a time limit and with a clear set of rules ("No talking"!). This is to be efficiënt as possible. But what if there is a need to discuss certain ideas or concepts or maybe share some ideas or concepts to jumpstart some more timid workshop participants? Do you incorporate some discussion within a workshop exercise (at a certain step) or do you close off a workshop with a open conversation about the ideas/concepts discussed within that workshop?🤔 Or do you just completely hate discussing and wasting time doing so during workshops? 😃 That might be possible.
New comment Jun '23
1-6 of 6
Jérôme Bertrem
42points to level up
Hi all! Active as a webmaster and a novice web designer. Here to learn to facilitate my work and those of team members. Running and music fanatic!

Active 261d ago
Joined Apr 17, 2023
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