First (partial) Lightning Decision Jam
Hello all, I wanted to share my 🙌 first workshop experience. 🤓
A while ago, I have organised a mini Lightning Decision Jam with the sailboat, dot voting and brainstorm (10 for 10) exercises. After weeks of learning but also hesitation, I have finally took the courage to organize a collaborative workshop instead of a standard stale meeting.
The challenge was to see how we could collaborate better using the current task management tool we are using. But to be honest the workshop was just more than just that... I wanted to try for myself some facilitation and wanted to see how my direct team colleagues were willing to experience such a new way of organising meetings. 🤓
What I have learned 👨‍🎓 :
  • More prep time and no meetings following directly this workshop = less rushing or stress.
Not having all the pens, sticky notes, etc. at hand, not having written the workshop principles or drawn the boat before hand... made the start of the workshop somewhat rushed or disordered. Even so that the workshop had to be continued later on due to another meeting which followed the first session immediately. However, the final result was satisfying which made forget all the bumps at the start.
  • People are remarkably collaborative if the direction where we are heading is clear. I was lucky by having a group of people working together, alone without personal drawbacks or hesitation. There was not someone more vocal or reluctant in this group.
  • Exercises can easily be adapted on the fly. The group did not generate as much ideas as expected during the brainstorm session. So I have decided just to use all the ideas so that we could vote on them. During this exercise I have noticed the power of the facilitator to ease the progress and to move forward instead of focusing on details.
What I would change for a next workshop 👨‍🏭 :
  • Be more confident. With some prep time before a workshop, it would be easier to warm up the group and start the workshop
  • Think less about the challenge to work with and trust the participants more for their own input.
  • Make a diverse selection of participants. Now I just selected those who I thought were willing to collaborate during a workshop.
  • Propose a facilitated workshop for a meeting someone else has planned.
Those are the insights from my first workshop! And I have to say, I am excited for the next one. 😃
Jérôme Bertrem
First (partial) Lightning Decision Jam
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