If you're reading this, chances are you're familiar with the cycle of frustration in finding and keeping skilled automotive technicians.
The lack of responses to your ads, sifting through a sea of subpar applications, and the constant challenge of not just finding, but retaining master techs without breaking the bank.
It's a tough spot to be in, but what if I told you there's a way to make your shop the place every skilled technician wants to work?
Over the past six years, I've spent countless hours speaking with technicians, understanding their needs and desires, and now, I'm excited to share a game-changing resource with you.
I've created a simple yet powerful diagram, a quick cheat sheet, that boils down the top traits that automotive technicians truly seek in an employer.
This isn't guesswork; it's a distilled essence of what makes technicians tick and how you can align your shop to meet these needs effectively.
Here's a sneak peek into the three pillars of this diagram:
RESPECT: It starts with the shop culture and communication. Technicians aren't just looking for a job; they're seeking a workplace where they feel valued and heard.
MONEY: Competitive salary and benefits are non-negotiable. Good techs know what they are worth. It's not about giving away the store, it's about showing that you recognize their worth and are willing to invest in them. If you don't, your competition will.
GROWTH: A nurturing environment where management cares about their employees' growth, both professionally and in their life outside the shop, is a game changer.
Now, why does this matter to you?
Because understanding and implementing these pillars can transform your shop into a magnet for top talent. It's about creating an environment where technicians don't just come for a job but stay for a career.
So, how can you use this information?
It's simple. Use this diagram as your blueprint to fine-tune your shop's approach to hiring and retaining technicians.
Use this information to write your help wanted ads, make decisions about shop culture/activities, have conversations with current and potential employees, etc.
By focusing on respect, money, and growth, you'll address the core of what technicians are looking for, making your shop irresistible to the best in the business.
Want to dive deeper?
There is a PDF version of the diagram attached to this post. Print it out and use it!
It's not just a document; it's your first step towards transforming your hiring and retention strategy.
Remember, the goal here isn't just to find technicians; it's about finding the right technicians and creating an environment where they thrive. And that's exactly what your shop deserves.
Looking forward to helping you make your shop the place every skilled technician wants to be.
Warm regards,
Chris Lawson
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