Will techs get tired of seeing my ads on Social Media and stop responding?
From time to time, I get pushback from shops that are unaware of how social media marketing works and are afraid of ads being seen by the same folks over and over again.
Here's the reply I sent today to an auto repair shop owner who had some concerns about his ads:
  1. Only a small percentage of the technicians in your area will see your ads at any given time. Of course, some techs will see the ads multiple times (see #2 below for more on this) but we have clients who have had ads running continuously for months and still get applications. In fact, one of our first clients has had ads running continuously for his 4 shop locations for nearly 5 years and has had millions of views/impressions yet he still receives applications from new technicians every week. When you monitor your key performance indicators (KPI's) on a daily basis (like we do here at Technician Find), it's very obvious when there is a problem with the distribution of your ads and changes need to be made.
  2. Timing is a major issue when marketing to techs. I have an extensive background in marketing and there is a theory formulated in the 1930's by the movie industry called the rule of 7. This marketing adage states that people need to see your ad at least 7 times before they will really notice it and take action. In the 1960's Dr. Jeffrey Lentz did more research in this idea and found that it may be even more impressions that are needed to produce a result. Very rarely does anyone take action after seeing an ad the first time. In today's world it is estimated that the average person living in a city sees 6,000 - 10,000 ads per day! That's a ton of noise and our brains have learned to tune out most of this unless it is immediately relevant and important. What I've found is that techs will see an ad and file it away in the back of their mind until it is relevant. For example, they may have seen your ad several times but it's that 7th or 12th impression that hits them right when they've had a bad day at the shop. If you are top of mind when this triggering event happens, that's when you get the application or the text message or the comment on social media that opens the door to a conversation about the grass being greener over at your shop. 
  3. Sometimes you may need a skilled headhunter. Here at Technician Find, we are not recruiters in the traditional sense of the term meaning we don't do drug testing or interviews and we don't do personality testing or personally match candidates to your specific job requirements. We are really, really good at grabbing the attention of techs and getting them to apply. If you are looking for a very specific person to fill a very specific role in your shop, it might be worth the added expense of hiring someone who is more hands on to help you find a good match.
Chris Lawson
Will techs get tired of seeing my ads on Social Media and stop responding?
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