Apr '23 (edited) in 📻Podcasts📻
Using Indeed to Find Techs w/Carm Capriotto [PODCAST]
Not one in 10 shops I work with uses Indeed to its fullest potential.
I know, that's a bold claim and it may ruffle a few feathers but it's true.
Most shops are still stuck in the "Post, Pay and Pray" paradigm of looking for technicians on the job boards and this strategy is dying a slow (but expensive) death.
Carm Capriotto, host of Aftermarket Weekly invited me on his show yesterday for a chat about what it takes for independent automotive repair shops to find qualified technicians on Indeed.
The full 27 minute conversation is now available in the classroom:
View it for strategies and tactics on how to find techs faster and spend less money on Indeed.
Chris Lawson
Using Indeed to Find Techs w/Carm Capriotto [PODCAST]
Proven templates, strategies, training and top-level networking to help independent auto repair shops hire quality staff faster.
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