Stop training your competition!
If you’ve ever watched a talented technician leave for a competitor, consider this…
Last October I joined Chris Jones on the Ratchet and Wrench Podcast to talk about 8 Reasons Why Techs Quit Auto Repair Shops.
Here they are:
  1. Lack of career development / advancement
  2. Inadequate compensation
  3. Uncaring/uninspiring leaders
  4. Lack of meaningful work
  5. Unsustainable work expectations
  6. Unreliable/unsupportive colleagues
  7. Lack of workplace flexibility
  8. Lack of support for health/well-being
Kudos if you’ve developed an apprenticeship or mentorship program and can bring new techs into the industry and get them trained up properly!
But don’t stop there!
Close the revolving door in your shop by addressing these common employee complaints.
Your techs will thank you. And they’ll stay.
Chris Lawson
Stop training your competition!
Proven templates, strategies, training and top-level networking to help independent auto repair shops hire quality staff faster.
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