Increase Retention using Skills Assessment
Did you know that using the skills assessment on a regular basis can help you close the revolving door so you retain your technicians longer?
About a year ago McKinsey & Company did a survey of employees around the world and came up with the most common reasons why people quit their last job.
You can view the infographic of the study results here: WHY PEOPLE ARE QUITTING THEIR JOBS
Here’s how the list breaks down:
  1. Lack of career development/advancement
  2. Inadequate compensation
  3. Uncaring/uninspiring leaders
  4. Lack of meaningful work
  5. Unsustainable work expectations
  6. Unreliable/unsupportive colleagues
  7. Lack of workplace flexibility
  8. Lack of support for health/well-being
Do you notice anything about this list?
At least 6 of these items can be directly impacted by performing regular skills assessments!
Here are some examples:
Additional training opportunities and personal skills development areas can be determined.
Compensation can be adjusted to current skill levels.
Highlighting areas of potential improvement and putting together a plan to get there shows you care about the growth of your team members.
We talk a lot about finding and hiring technicians because that’s what we do here at Technician Find. But don’t you think it would be better not to lose your good techs in the first place?
Miranda Schwan
Increase Retention using Skills Assessment
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